5th Task : Young Adulthood
You are ready to take on the world on your own. After all, you’re now an adult with all the privileges as well as the responsibilities. While still looking for your identity, you also seek close relationships with friends and more. Many decide to avoid isolation, yet some still embrace it and find bliss in it. Important choices are made, though in a dream you never have to stick to them.
But all in all, while normally during these 22 years you’re busy with one thing or another, this time you have all the time you need for that thing that you (will) think about and say “I wish I had done that”. So use the chance.
(The general age limit of this task is around 18 - 40)
Basic Task(s)
Being in the general age condition required by the task (18 - 40 years) is worth +30 points.
If you start as a “young” young adult and end as a relatively “older” young adult, you’ll be awarded +20 points.
Secondary Task(s)
Have your 18th birthday. Throw a party, spend the night out with your friends or do a family meeting of some sort to celebrate your adultness, although still “young”. It will get you +20 points. Again, you will get points from both the 4th task and the 5th task.
Between the ages 20 – 35, you’ll experience the peak of your physical performance. Use it in ways you see fit (e.g. sports). It’ll get you +10 points.
Let the years pass until you’re 40. And then do whatever you want in order to seize the importance of that special day when you’re finally considered not a “young adult” but a “middle adult”. You’ll get +10 points.
- Each peer you spend time with gets you +5 points. However, if you rather “embrace” isolation, then you’ll get a one-time +10 points. This is done in order not to encourage either of those options.
The deadline will be 15 July, 6 PM GMT. Good luck!