LC #32: Congratulations NICKLEBRICK!@!!

Two long LDs yesterday. after the first one i woke up and quickly noted down what i dreamed about. after that, i managed to continue in the same area, but still not exactly the same place.

One semilong LD last night about diving through mirrors :mirror: dream to be posted :cool_raz:

Am I the only one who has noticed that the TM hasnt been posting here for a long while? This lack of new tasks and so has made me a bit unmotivated to have LD’s :meh:

Noticed it as well. Already 2 weeks. Maybe his PC broke down.

Uh… Hi. Not that I try to ruin anything, but I want to know what exactly this is because I want to join it and how to join it. If somebody is nice enough (heck, probably there will), can the person please explain how this works? Thanks in advance! :o

reason i havnt been posting lately was one- due to computer internet problems and i had a family emergency lately… :sad: hopefully everything should be back on track completely by tomorrow :smile:

Epic Slow-Mo Scene
Nice to finally get back on track again! Got an interesting one here that should be lots of fun and probably hasnt been tried yet by many of you.[/list]

Primary Task(s)

*Change the speed of the world and run or do whatever in slow motion will award you 45 points

*Go slow motion during some intense action scene such as jumping around a corner and shooting bad guys etc. will award you 35 points

Secondary Task(s)

  • Either change your view to 3rd person or record yourself in slow motion and watching it like that will award you 25 points

*Use slow motion to catch a bullet as it is coming at you or doing something you could never do without slowmo will grant you 15 points

*Going slow-mo with a friend or partner will get you 10 points

And thats that with a total possible of 125 points. Next task will be next wednesday at 5 o clock(GMT -7) and this time i mean next wednesday, not 2 weeks after that :content:

I just had an ND where I actually went in slow motion and stabbed a few guys in the back. Probably related to all the AC Revelations I’ve been playing.

Well i hit quite a huge wall of recall :meh: But oddly enough just last night i recalled 6 dreams, so i can get back into LDing again :smile:

So there i was, about to kill somebody, in space. We started facing eachother in a jousting style and BOOM racing towards eachother at the speed of sound, in space (It was a VERY loud BOOM!) and we each pulled to manuver oppisite directions and SLO-MO seemed like going 1/2 MPH as both of our wings clipped in a X direction and the flames that came out of it. We both started Spiraling down to Nellis, from space.

Copied from my DJ

This was lucid and was a long LD (about a hour)

[size=200]To the Afterlife![/size]

The final task we be, yes, dying and finding out what happens after…

Primary Task(s)

*Well Yes, this means you have to die, in any way shape or form-- doing so will grant you: 40 points

  • Visiting the afterworld- what is it like, what do you see? is there anything? Finding out what happens after will give you 30 points

Secondary Task(s)

  • If there is an afterlife, explore and see what its like this will give you 15 points

  • Leaving the afterlife and traveling back to waking life will give you 10 points

And that is the final task have fun! Points will be added up and winner will be announced next monday 5pm (GMT-7)

You should probably really be sure that you are dreaming in this one… I might suggest about 5 solid RC’s before trying to die >.>

hahahahahahaah dont wanna end up like inception haaha

Rhewin, if I wasnt sure I was dreaming I wouldnt kill myself :razz:

/me sets his mind for the task

Had a medium LD where I tried to kill myself, but didnt let it happen.

Trying To Reach The Other Side

Quite a grim task for the holiday, but once i can get my recall back, i will be all happy and able to complete the task :smile:

prays for recall

I know the challenge was supposed to end on Monday, but that doesn’t seem to have happened. So I’ll say that I had a long LD with one chain this morning just in case it still counts.

it counts-- this will be the final night tonight for last points before i get the scores and winnner in tomorrow - ive just been alot more busy with the holiday break and christmas and all than i thought i would

srry ---- points should be tallied by tomorrow… :neutral: