LC #41 - Congratulations Thorn!

Task 2 – LD4all Plays Pokemon

Topical! Why? Because I can.
If you’ve been under a digital rock the last 16 days (or Boulder, I should say), then you’ve heard of Twitch Plays Pokemon. A phenomenon that’s sweeped the web. Over 70,000 and peaking at 110,000 players at once all playing the original Pokemon game using the same input. It’s given rise to jokes, memes, and brought back the nostalgia of the games. This task will be based on the TPP experience.

  1. Summon a Pokemon from the final team (Zapdos, Nidoking, Lapras, Venomoth, Pidgeot, Omastar) +10 pts per Pokemon, +30 pts more if you summon them all at once.

  2. Find Abby, the Charmeleon that was released. +20 pts

  3. Democracy Mode: Fight in a Pokemon battle giving your Pokemon orders. +30 / If you choose to fight with a creature other than a Pokemon, post your incubation in the topic.

  4. Anarchy Mode: Fight in a Pokemon battle and the Pokemon must fight without orders. (Must be a seperate battle from Democracy Mode.) +30 pts If you choose to fight with a creature other than a Pokemon, post your incubation in the topic.

  5. Consult the Helix Fossil! Find the Helix Fossil and ask it a question. The helix fossil is just a fancy snail shell, really, so any snail shell will do. It must give an answer to earn points. +40 pts

And now for the twist. All these tasks must not be done in a game in your dream. Ex. Playing/watching this in an emulator or gameboy in your dream. You have to physically do these things. Would be too easy otherwise. :razz:

Also, scores will be posted tomorrow.