LD Help

Hi everyone, I’m new here. :smile: I am also a new lucid dreamer. I’ve had several LDs so far, but not much. I just had a few questions about LDing.

First off, I am working on having my first WILD. I understand that a WILD is falling asleep while staying conscious, but I keep falling asleep accidentally! Counting keeps me too awake, same goes for focussing on my breathing and trying to get SP. So how do I stay conscious without staying too awake to dream?

Secondly, I had a thought. LDs occur during light sleep, right? Thats because if you are in too deep of sleep, you won’t be able to obtain lucidy. I am generally a deep sleeper. Is there any way to cause light sleep, at least for a while? I don’t mean enough to mess up my sleep, just cause light sleep at a certain period of time… or something like that.

And my last qustion: What technique works best for YOU? I understand that there is no best technique, but I want to hear what techniques are most commonly used.

Thanks! :content:

Oooh, and I have another question I forgot to mention. Apparently it is easier to become lucid in a dream if you are more lucid in real life. Well, that’s a bit of a problem for me. I am probably the worst daydreamer you’ll ever hear of. I walk around completely oblivious to the world around me, with my head literally stuck in a cloud. I could spend hours just sitting there thinking about random things. I want to be an author and I am writing a book, so the fact that I daydream so much helps with that. But, unfortunately, not with lucid dreaming.

I think part of the reason why I daydream so much is because I get sick of seeing the same things so much. I love hiking, because when I’m out in the woods there are so many new things to see. That’s just about the only time when I am fully aware, my head is clear, and all my five senses are in tact (except when I’m hyped up on energy drinks :smile: ). I still daydream, but it’s like I have a connection to the wilderness, and I am sensing every tiny little thing. However, that doesn’t help much, because in a dream I won’t always be in the wilderness.


I don’t think lucid dreams happen just during deep sleep. I’m a rather deep sleeper, especially when I was younger, and I’ve had LDs from NDs a few times. As far as WILD goes, I’ve yet to find my method, but just search around. There are a ton of different methods, look everywhere you can. Also, just try and make your own technique.

Isn’t it easier to get a LD during light sleep, because you’re more conscious than if you were in a full, deep sleep? Just wondering…

[b]wow…your pretty much the same as me in the whole daydream, head in the clouds, writing a book, love hiking, get away from it all, enjoy the 5 senses to the max, don’t waste a moment, bored of the same thing over and over again topic! That was a mouthful… I also fall asleep way too fast but for me, counting when doing WILD doesn’t keep me awake it puts me to sleep :content:

With this whole lucid topic, I havn’t had an LD before…and it’s been a few months whilst iv’e been on this forum, I guess I’m just not a natural :content: I am great at remembering details from my ND s thow.

I havn’t been a big help but I just wanted to point out our similarities. ^^ I can say this “Positivity is the key” and Welcome To The Forum!!! :happy: [/b]

Y choose WILD…it’s difficult and causes you to loose alot of sleep. And that alone will affect your dream recall. Although there is a belief that WILD is the way to have LDs at will…I think it’s more of a myth…those who can do it IMO is not out of practise but a natural gift attributed by brain chemistry in that they may not have enough sleep hormones to really fall alseep or what we call KO. I’m not saying it dosen’t work I’m just suggesting that if you try for a long time and it dosen’t work it’s time to move on. If you really want to have LDs at will I’d recomend using either a Dream aid like light cues from the dream mask or DILD…they are easier on your sleep pattern.


Same problem here…it’s ironic that daydreams have little or no effect on sleeping dreams. Being more lucid in real life…sounds like you are making changes to your real lifestyle. Does it work?..sometimes. It is very circumstantial…most of the time when you are lucid in the waking world…the things that get into the subconscious is other than lucid dreaming related and if you happen to generate enough emotions for whatever you saw there is a fair chance you’d dream it that night. The best time to ‘induce’ anything in a dream even lucidity is when you are already in bed and the next thing after your intent of doing what you want in the dream is to close your eyes and dream. I mean face it…being more lucid in waking life…and then transfer that lucidity to when you actually dream…by that time all kinds of non-lucid and lucid dreaming material from waking consciousness would have either flew away or entered the subconscious, non-lucid material being the majority of real life, that leaves you with very slim chance of having any lucid dreaming material entering the subconscious.


IMJ, WILD won’t mess up your sleep cycle if you do it right, even if you don’t get a lucid dream, you usually fall asleep. It isn’t brain chemistry or genes, it’s figuring out a way to keep aware while falling asleep. Some methods have different ways of doing this, but none should mess you up. If a method that works is found, you get used to the feelings, and you can do it rather quickly, and you can get more sleep than if you tried normal methods.

That’s the most important and trickiest thing in WILD. The counting and other aids are there only to help, and a good way to start, but eventually you might find a personal way of doing it. I believe falling asleep too quickly is better than staying too awake, so you just have to work your way up from falling asleep too quickly :tongue: Alos, this way it shouldn’t lose any sleep.

Personally, what helps me is lying on my back a bit, because I simply can not fall asleep on my back. Eventually I get a really strong urge to roll over (if you resist it you should enter SP and then WILD). I can’t fight it too long but I end up taking a bit of consciousness into the dream that way… Another thing, WILD’s aren’t generally recommended for beginners because it can be tricky and can take a long time to master. I say it’s still good to learn about how you fall asleep. You can combine it with MILD and perhaps get some better results.

A great majority of dreams occur in REM sleep. You go through light sleep, deep sleep and then REM sleep. After that it goes backwards and repeats. I’m not really sure though if “being a deep sleeper” means you have more deep sleep :eh: I think you should have all three every night many times. The whole deep sleeper/ light sleeper might just help you get an idea of which technique to use.

Trying to become more conscious during the day should help. I have trouble with that too :grin: But every time I remember it I take a breath and look around, trying to be aware of everything I perceive at that moment.

I might have forgotten something, oh well. and welcome to ld4all :wave:

I do exactly this and I fall for the urge to turn over haha, Thanks for the advise I will NOT MOVE NEXT TIME! Even thow this topic isn’t for me it’s helping :happy:, Iv’e been on this forum for a while and still have yet to have a LD xD I’m Lonely :sad:

Again thanks for the tips I thank you greatly good Sir![/b]

First of all, I have heard it from many peoplee that WILD is too hard for a beginner to try, but I don’t care, so please don’t try to convince me of that. I believe that anyone can do it, and I am determined to get it right. One thing you should know about me is that I do not give up easily.

I have tried lying on my back, and it doesn’t work. I CAN’T fall asleep on my back. Getting into SP in that position is no problem, but I can’t get any farther than that. However, if I am lying on my side I can fall alseep in about ten minutes (no-lucid), and I think that if I find a way to keep myself only slightly conscious, I believe that I might be able to get into a WILD just as quickly. DON’T tell me I’m wrong, please, because discouragement acts as a roadblock. I might not be able to, but I can at least try. I just have to find a technique to keep myself conscious.

When I say that I am a deep sleeper, I don’t mean that I have more periods of deep sleep. I mean that I do not get woken easily, and I am deep into my dreams. My subconscious is totally in control, and I am farther away from obtaining lucidy than if I were having a light sleep. Basically what I mean is that the ‘deeper’ the sleep, the farther away from consciousness I am.

Thanks for the advice, though. :smile: :smile: :smile:

Everyone can do WILD – I think the reason we tell beginners to stick with MILD + WBTB to start is so they get a taste of lucidity, and know we’re not making things up. Plus it gives them all sorts of incentive to stick with it.

In doing WILD, I try to listen to the ringing sound in my ears and make it louder – harmonize with it in my head and sing along. Eventually I get the vibrations, and try to make them bigger. Once they’re big enough, I log roll :rofl: while the vibes are occurring – my dream body rolls and my waking body stays put.

Being a deep sleeper will be a blessing to you – since you’ll be more inclined to have longer lucid dreams.

I have had a few LDs before, so I know what it’s like. :razz:

The whole ringing in your ears thing sounds cool, I’ll try it. Thanks!

xxmoriahxx, I’m not discouraging you to try WILD! as dunlar said, it’s just a general thing we recommend for beginners. But they want to get lucid period. If you want to WILD, specificly, then keep it up! WILD is an awesome experience anyway.

Well, if you can get into SP on your back you’re almost there! :eek: you just have to learn how to get from SP into the dream. You can try to imagine your drema body is rolling off the bed and out of your physical body. Just don’t try to move your body as you normally do since… you can’t. You have to try to move your dream body by using your imagination. A bit more info here.

All I can say is that WILD-ing is just beautiful. I donno if you loose any sleep, but I’m feeling the same doing it or not doing it once I wake up. Its wonderful because the random images and scenes that come to you are great inspiration for art, I mean any kind of art. Also the experience I got trough last nights is just undescribeable. And I didn’t even had a real LD yet. Since I started to practice WILD I have just been waiting every day to fall asleep. A wonderful thing I must say it is.

Maybe you won’t go trough what I went trough, 'cause I heard some people saying that they don’t even see HI’s. To me that’s impossible for some reason. Maybe its got to do with what part of the brain your thinking. I donno. Maybe someone should do scientific research about it.

Anyways, good luck LDing!
The Beat! :wink:


I had my first WILD last night and it was absolutely amazing. I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to try WILD. I didn’t want to get up, because moving around keeps me far too awake to fall asleep again. So I simply lay in bed for a while with my eyes wide open, thinking.

After a while, I rolled over onto my side (how I normally sleep) and closed my eyes. I actually didn’t use any techniques, I just lay there. Then suddenly I was in a dream!

The whole process was actually a lot shorter than most people describe. All I did was lie there, thinking. I wasn’t even thinking about SP, until suddenly I realized that I couldn’t move. My body started vibrating madly, and I could see random pictures flashing in front of my eyes. I was a little scared so I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn’t move. Then the reality hit me: I was so close to an LD!

So I used Nick Newport’s dream exit method called gravity press and turn (lucidology.com/blog/105/luci … t-methods/). I felt my dream body sliding away from my actual body. I opened my eyes and did a RC, and I was dreaming!!!

The actual dream didn’t last more than a few seconds, but I think that was because I didn’t know what to do in the dream. I didn’t have any dream goals; my only goal was to have a WILD. But that’s okay, because I did what I wanted to, and got a WILD!!!

That was, more precisely, a DEILD (weird… I thought it was recognized as an acronym) that, by the way, means Dream Exit -ILD, and is the act of entering a dream right after you woke up. People should use it more often, it’s a great way to enter dreams consciously :content:

Congratulations for your first WILD by the way! :good: