LD-ing heridiraty?

My father doesn’t give a damn to dreams, mom says she used to have LOTS of LDs at my age.

My grandpa was the one who got me into it. He told me some of the ancient tech’s and beliefs of natives and aboriginals. He said he learned about it in australia… about looking at the moon and convincing himself he was dreaming. thats what i did for my first ld :happy:
but yeah i guess since alot of our preferences and interests come from our elders, theres probably something linked to lucid dreaming.

I don’t know if its heridiraty or not. My mom can remember her normal dream vividly, but she never had LD. My dad don’t know what’s he’s dreaming about and didn’t have any LD before. I try to tell them about LD, and they say its impossible.

It’s so nice that some people are learning about lucid dreams from family members! :yes: I don’t really talk about dreams as much with my parents, so I don’t know for sure what their take on dreams is. Every once in a while I talk about them with my father, and I remember one occasion when he told me about a dream he had and what it symbolized to him. As for LDs, I only learned about them from a Reader’s Digest article…I’d have to ask my parents if they have “ever known they were dreaming.”

my dad thinks its cool but my mom thinks im a sketch lol

Well, my mom said she LDed once just to get back into a dream she really wanted to finish. But I haven’t been able to LD, so no I don’t think it’s hereditary for me.

My family all doesnt give a damn usually about dream , or they don’t talk about it. There just one cousin of mine that a little interesting in them.

I never talk abour lucid dream or astral projection with my family but I think my mom know them because she have read many psychological and dream books and I think she hide some knowledge…