LD terms in your language

Ah, sakoda, du bist ein deutch-sprecher :clap:

Id translate LD-terms if it wasnt that the one who started this topic already done it :cry:

Some more names:

Working class hero= arbetsklasshjälte
Eyelids= Ögonlock :roll:
Sureal= Overklig
stormthunder= stormåska :dark:
Amused himself to death= skrattade ihjäl sig (not really)

At least you can try to guess the language :razz:

german hehe

Roade ihjäl sig borde det väl vara? :razz:

Roade sig till döds, perhaps?

That reminds me of a Soviet Russian song, I think it was called Den Döde.

Working class hero = Herói trabalhador.
Eyelids = Cílios.
Amused himself to death = Divertiu-se à morte.
Ghostie = Fantasminha.

Quuipo = Qüípo. (Although the umlaut is deprecated as of January 2009).

Maybe that, but it can be skrattade too :tongue:

Swedish :content:

Hallström, in your first post you forgot DILD= Dröminducerad Klardröm (DIKD)
WBTB= Vakna Och Återigen Somna (VOÅS)
SP= Sömnparalys (SP)
DO= Åskådare Utan Kropp (ÅUK)
SC= UnderMedvetna (UM)


ldkid= KDunge :razz:

EDIT: I forgot, slinking ferrtet= Smitande Ekorre :razz:

:cry: i was so sure :cry:

ferret = iller


Ok then, I guess the right translation is Smitande Iller :razz:

:hmmm: lets see, hebrewB is HebreiskaB :razz:
Daylight= Dagsljus
Queen SD= Drottning som fortfarande drömmer
Enarmored_Spirit= Bepansrad_Ande
One Winged Angel= Ängel med En Vinge

I have no more names :shy:

eyelids= augenlieder
= DayLight (haven seen him4 a while now …)Tages Licht
Inverted sense of reality … hum … = Verdrehter sinn der wirklichkeit ? :huh:
one_winged_angel = einflügeliger engel … :lol: