LDing at will?

i used to a while back, every night this week i have had a ld, just starting to get back into it…

i think any tech eventually works to a point where you just learn the difference between waking and sleeping, and from there you dont need techs any more.

It doesnt mean that every rem period is going to be lucid, but more often then not, you are going t get one or two. When you reach that stage every tech that you do make lucid dreaming even eaiser. Its like being good and then each bit just incrases your skill.

I started out many years ago with RC, used to do them all the time, i used to have 1 lucid dream a month maybe less. Then i worked on my dream recall and just started to learn the difference between waking and dreaming, from there i reached a stage were i was going lucid every night one or two times, the times when i wasnt lucid i didnt remember my dreams at all.

Gave lucid dreaming up for a while now im back.

I have been dreaming for close to 8 years i think, but on and off nothing like a set routine. If you keep up say 20 rc a day for a year i would say you would be getting lucid every night at the end of that.

I can have an LD, all you have to do is to WBTB + WILD or MILD and you can get it most of the time… Well i can anyhow.

A good friend of mine can LD at will whenever he wants, he never stopped LDing as a child and grew up to be able to do it :razz:

You should tell him about ld4all.com if you haven’t told him already.

He’s not really the forum type but I’ll mention it to him :content: