So I’m dreaming that I’m with my grandpa and he’s flying us around, he goes through this really tight … like, set of columns, between a bridge, and at like 50000 mph or something, it was mega intense.
anyway… we’re getting ready to launch, and you like, pull up to this carwash looking place, and then noises go off and I’m like “will this be more intense than xcellerator?” and then woosh… no, it wasn’t… but it was fun.
we go through this tunnel, psychedelic looking, and upon emergence me and my mom are like “whoa”
then, it all rewinds, and I’m in the tunnel, and I’m like, man, this is cool…
(i’m not lucid at all, really)
and so i’m like warping in and out through the tunnel, and then… the tunnel goes bye bye, i’m spinning around in a void of mostly grey and black, but a few dim colors…
I’m thinking "whoa, i’ve stopped time… " and … I start focusing on my third eye… I sort of hear third eye playing, but it’s muffled, I then try to think of blue (though the third eye color is purple…) and I see this very familiar alex grey like artwork appear, that I’ve seen many times… I grab it… (somehow?) and pull it to my third eye and merge with it.
More spinning… I twirl into a restaurant… wondering if my family was here, I turn around and the scene fluidly morphs to a house… the first thing I see, and it like, it is like… so… centered, the whole point of this… “vision” is some little boy… he must not be more than 5 inches away from me… he had kind of reddish hair in a way… he is what catches my eye.
and I thought “is this a past life? what’s going on?” and so… there is this fisher price looking refrigerator of sorts, and there are some kids running around fighting and yelling abuot something.
I somehow feel like, there is an abusive father… or something… the kids sort of shove me… (i think i’m just a nonexistant observer though) and… I don’t know, … they shoved their way behind me, and… I sensed something, from daigonally back to the left … like a parent was there… and… I woke up with a huge surge of adrenaline.
so I reiterate… WTF?