Let's make our own LD hypnosis file

If you wish, and have time to it, my tip is also to make a hypnosis file like a science fiction radio drama. (A kind of radio drama with replies and talking.) Mostly for them who not are able to lucid dream.

I got this idea because I have tried to set my alarm clock to alarm 2 hours before I usually go up from bed, and then turn on the radio. Then go to sleep again, and I sometimes have dreamed about what they talked about on the radio. That was cool :smile:

Maybe if people listen to the same CD every night, they finally realize that they are dreaming some day. And I think if it is a science fiction drama, it will be easier to realize that it is a dream, because they dream about things they don’t experience when they are awake.

Anyway, just my toughts. If my idea is irrelevant, I accept that.

Any viewpoints to this?

hahaha… good idea… have you ever heard of over the edge?

this one is called spooked and it would be cool to make one where some one calls in during a dream, but they don’t know they are dreaming… and they have been dreaming for a lifetime or something… or maybe multiple LDers call in…


or the trip receptacle

Thanks for the links.
Hope I get more time to listen to this audio records soon.
By the way: Are they made for dream control or lucid dreaming?

They aren’t dream related but they are cool radio shows :smile:

i like this idea! i just got back from being away from this forum for a long time and found this tread, great! i havnt listend to the warpmymind tape so im not totally aware of what we´re trying to create here, ill do some research and then i´ll see :smile:

anyway it sound like a really good idea to have a theme, if its science fiction or the ocean or something like that. so one can “program” ones subconcious to ask itself, “is this a dream” whenever it sees the ocean. scifi is good cause you will experience strange things wich only can be possible in a dream. and the ocean is good cause you can do a realitycheck everytime you see it in waking life wich may help programming your subconciousness.
also we have to do some research about what words our subconciousness understand like said before, maybe it doesnt understand “if”. like it doesnt understand “dont”. so if we tell ourself “dont think this is a dream” the subc. will believe we tell it “think this is a dream”
maybe someone knows a shrink (spelling?) or maybe we can send a email to the lucidity instetute and ask them for such things. or some other institute for dreaming/subc.

also i use to make psy-trance and still have some very powerful programs wich i can still use. so i can do about everything possible with a voice one can do nowadays…its not very hard…
good luck to us all!!! :smile:

Sorry for not sending you the script yet, toadstool. I’m in the process of changing jobs and I have to finish all of my projects with the old job before I start the new one… and that’s made my workdays around to 10-14 hours. Doesn’t leave a lot of time for much else but sleeping. But I have had some of the coolest dreams and even added another lucid one as well so I guess I can’t complain too much…
Hey! maybe I’m on to something…
Pure exhaustion + high anxiety + aching feet = lucidity…?

Anyway… that sounds cool, mindexplorer. Once I get the script to toadstool and he records it, then maybe he can send it to you (or just send it back to me and I will send you the FTP info) and you can do some cool things with it (put some stank on it).
And I know this first attempt may not be the end-all-to-beat-all (did I say that right) but I just want to see what we can come up with.
I figured it would take a few tries anyway before we stumbled on the right formula.
And yes I do wish we could get a pro involved in the actual wording. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed that one will stumble on this thread …but I guess thats not a bad idea about sending the script to someone that might give of us some pointers. Might just have to do that.

maybe its a good idea to post the script here (or make a new tread for it) and let everyone suggest things to change or any new ideas…

i know how it is… no hurry… I’m always working any way.

Good point. Will do.

The “Left and Right” motion spoken of is done with what is called a panning wave. A good program for generating this effect is Cool Edit Pro (Which I Have). I have been researching binaural beat technology for many years, and I know for a fact that it works well. I have never tried to apply it to lucid dreams, but I am sure it can be done. I am willing to help however I can with the binaural beat generation. As far as the script part goes, a few words of advice:

  1. A monotone robotic voice is often the best for hypnosis.

  2. Whomever reads the script should also stress every third sylable.

  3. The readers voice should also be soft - not necessarily low.

I hope this helps.

I am also very familiar with how suggestions are worded. Although I am not a professional, I have been researching hypnosis and brainwave technology for at least 15 years in an effort to help my clinical depression WITHOUT DRUGS.

I just need some pointers on what needs to be suggested for lucid dreams.
I know what they are, but I am not familiar with how to induce them. I am very interested though. I have been lucid before, but never more than a few seconds without waking up.

Also some warnings are in order.

I don’t know if this has been touched on yet, being new to this forum , but hypnosis, binaural beats, and especially flashing lights WILL CAUSE SEIZURES if you are epileptic, photosensitive, or pregnant, so be careful because these conditions may be undiagnosed in some people.

great cholio!! i think your knowledge in this matter will be very useful.
i really think we should post the script so we can get this thing started!

and im going away for this month so i dont know if ill be able to use internet for that time :sad:

watts you don’t need my help… except with maybe ideas expressed in the script… those two will probably be able to help much more than me

Wherever you can help just hop on it.

Ok… this is what I have as far as the beginning induction.
Well…I actually think we can use a little bit of the usual trance induction script from other sources but I wanted to tie-in the the whole ocean / water theme that we were talking about earlier, so what I did was come up with some ocean wave visualizations to kind of relax to before we get into the LD induction stuff.
Ok here goes…

[While binaural waves are crashing in the background]
Imagine being on your on secluded beach late at night.
You can see clearly in the soothing white light of the moon.
The air is warm but the breeze is cool and refreshing.\ You are reclined and relaxed on a very comfortable lounger. You are in quiet wonder of one of natures most beautiful forms of continuous energy… waves of the ocean. You see the blue waves and white foam coming in overlapping succession on the soft glittering sand. You enjoy the soothing salty air as it softly caresses your your skin. You notice the way the ocean breeze feels on your face… the way way the air smells…and taste. You like the way the air feels and taste when you take a long slow breath… then slowly let it out.
While watching the waves gently reach the beach then retreat calmly into the next, you feel yourself becoming transfixed by the soothing repetition. Over and over without end, the ocean feeds the beach with its continuous blue waves. You can feel waves of relaxing energy cascading over your entire body as each wave gracefully brushes over the beach. As the waves continue in there neverending majesty, you become acutely aware of the way your body is responding.
You feel your breathing becoming deeper and more shallow.
You notice that your body is becoming more and more relaxed with every breath… with every wave… Your muscles are becoming loose and relaxed… more and more comfortable and relaxed …with every breath…

So on and so on…
Anyway, maybe that gives us a starting point. Critique away. Add and subtract…

There is also a program called Neuro-Programmer. It can be downloaded from this website:


This program is very well written and the documentation is fantastic!

It tells you what brainwave states are best for different types of programming, and also has the acomponying research for each preset.

The demo version only allows the dowloading of 2 presets, and a few features are disabled, but the documentation is actually better than the program!

Basicly, what it says is that THETA is best for deep level physical and genetic programing, and ALPHA is best for visualization and autosuggestion. (Grotesquely Simple)

I HIGHLY recomend that all people that want to help with this download this software (at least the demo) just for the documentation.

Tried Neuro-Programmer, (used both the Alpha, then the Theta with some homespun LD affirmations) and the very first dream of the night I went lucid on. Unfortunetly I immediately started waking up, tried spinning but woke up anyway. Definetely worth further usage.
I especially like how simple they make it for the user.
Thanks Cholio.
I haven’t had a chance to read the documentation yet… since I like to just hop in and play… but i will tonight.

Ok… what I’m working on now are some affirmations. I’m thinking about having different sessions for general LD affirmations, reality checks, and guided dreaming.
For the LD affirmations, here are few that I think are useful. Let me know if they need to be worded differently.

Lucid dreaming is simple and natural.
I recognize my dreams as dreams.
I will lucid dream tonight and every night.
I have full consious control of my dreams.
I know when I am dreaming.
I do reality checks constantly.
I do reality checks when I see water. (with the whole ocean waves thing)
I remember all of my dreams.
I always record my dreams. (since I actually use a voice recorder rather than a dream journal)
When I become lucid, I remain calm.
When I become lucid, I focus on my hands for clarity.
I start spinning if I need more clarity. ( I specifically avoided using words like “if I start to wake…” etc because I think that just sets your subconsious up for failure)

Please add some more ideas.
I will post some reality check affirmations later.

Read a good portion of the the Neuro-programmer documentation and was so impressed by the detail that I went ahead and bought it.
I’m quite happy with this product so far.

Awesome work watts… I think that we could setup a binaural mp3 to go from alpha to theta… for the visualization down to programming. I’ve done this before with sbagen… so I could do it again.