
That thought was around for sometime, and since them I am fascinated by it.
So, I just wanted to ask, anyone has new experiences (or even success :wink: ) with LILD?

For those who don´t know yet what LILD is:


You use a LD to have more LDs.To give an example, you could ask a DC to meet you the next night, and tell you you are dreaming.If it works the DC will walk up to you in your dream, and tell you “Hey, remember, this is a dream” and you go lucid


I’ve never heard of that before, but that method sounds ultra! I’ll give it a try next LD. :cool:

hmm ive never heard of that befor. and interesting thought that, does it work?

Well, until now, I haven´t ever managed to get to speak to a DC about this.The next thing I am trying is to get something like an “animal helper”.
So, I strongly believe it can work, but I never did it.
That´s why I am asking if anyone ever had success

edit:Oh yes, I just remember that LaBerge or Tholey wrote some sidenote about a woman who did it.I don´t remember what exactly it was, but I think she met up with one of her DCs like I described above


I tried it several times but it didnt work for me, i know for some it does though…so ehm find out for yourself ppl :cool_laugh:


Thats sounds like an awesome idea!!

I will have to give it a go. I i have any success i will be sure to let u guys know.

I’ve heard of it before,a while back.I’ve never been able to ask a person to remind me I’m dreaming the next time I go to sleep,but I’ll try to tonight.

That sounds great! I’m so gonna give that a go! :grin:

After a dry period I’m exercising my way back into LD’s, so I hope I can finally do some experiments with LILD. The problem is I always forget about it and do all the fun stuff like flying and sex in my LD’s. Maybe I should concentrate on it when I’m doing MILD while falling asleep. It is worth trying I think, why shouldn’t it be possible to use LD’s to get more LD’s? I’ll focus on friendly DC’s that appear very regularly in my dreams. Hope someone else will try this experiment too :smile: .

Some older topics about LILD:

I ask a dream character to remind me that I am dreaming next time I am and she told me no… I dont htink she liked me very much.

Well, if she said “no” then she at least admits you were dreaming so that’s a start :grin: . Seriously, I don’t hope that my DC’s will do everything they can to convince me that I’m NOT dreaming, I’ve read stories about that :bored: .

I’ve done that before. I asked this little kid with purple hair if she could tell me I was dreaming next time. She said she would. So a couple of nights later, she walked up to me and said “You’re dreaming you know.”
I don’t think I remembered her, so for some reason I said “Yeah, right. Why would I trust a kid with purple hair?” And then she stuck her tongue out at me and ran away. I was SO mad at myself when I woke up. She did come back later though, and I can’t exactly remember, it was really blurry, but I did get lucid from her. I guess that would be a LILD. I never knew there was such a thing. :content:

lol, that´s one of the funniest missed hints I ever heard of :grin:

But nice to hear someone in here already has some success with it.
You should definately try to meet her again


Imagine thanks, gives me hope LILD can work :smile:

lol! that sounds like something I would do! (Purple hair? ok kid, go home and play nintendo) My body seems to not want me to LD, but when I do I will try this! It sounds sooo cool if it works! THen you could not have to be as constant with RCs, Ok that’s just an excuse not to do RCs. but anyway! I will give it a try!