Listening to music while sleeping

I’m most interested in audio HH prior to actual dreaming, like when just drifting off to sleep and entering REM. I use HI in this way to catch dreams as I’m falling asleep so as to enter into a LD from the wake state (as in WILD). I have just started (last night) to try and induce a song in my dreams which I would say is not HH but simply a product of dreaming. In one dream last night I was writing out lots of verses but no music, and I can’t recall anything I wrote either…more work needed for sure - haha :wink: So I’m not sure if we are talking about the same phenomenon. Are your audio HHs pre-dream or in dream?

Cheers, and thanks for your replies :smile:

My HH music is definitely pre-dream. Just few days ago I heard some blurry verses. In my case I guess it is connected with how much music I listen WL and how much I concentrate on the lyrics and beat.

The music I hear in dreams is the same I listen to when awake.

Sorry that I can’t help you with actual advice.

Sweet dreams,

Thanks for clarifying that - I was on track then :smile: Maybe as you say it’s the quantity of, and focus on, the music that you listen to IWL - that makes sense. It may also be that some folk are ‘wired’ to experience audio HH whereas others aren’t or would have to work at it a lot to experieince them on any sort of regular basis. I’m going to look into this more and find out as much as I can about it. Cheers :smile:

On that day I was listening to a 2 hour techno mix for the whole day. In class, at home, everywhere and all the time.

It does make sense that saturating yourself with music in that way might produce the HH effect. It seems that you both have the ability to trigger HHs by listening to large volumes of music. Thanks for the info that’s really helpful :smile: