Long hair...

I have hair that goes down to about my shoulders, so its right on the line between long and short. Long hair is much more manageable if you can find the right kind of shampoo and conditioner :wink:

Don’t forget: If you want long hair, that doesn’t mean you will not have to go to the barber anymore :tongue:. Just remember that when you go, tell that you are growing it and they won’t cut off too much. If you don’t, you will get dead points at the end of your hair and then it gets hard to brush and will look messy.

I experienced that when I do not wash it daily with shampoo and conditioner, it will lose volume and will look greasy. After showering, brush your hair and let it air dry, then brush it again. If you use a wind blower every day, your hair will become unhealthy. Besides, if you let it air dry and brush it again after, it will have a lot of volume :smile:.
Tip: Try out if your hair looks better if you shower before going to bed, or if you shower when you got up in the morning. That is a huge difference!

And I agree with the rest, wind = deadly for your hair. You won’t be able to have your hair properly until the next time you shower :tongue:.
Tip: Keep a brush with you! Long hair won’t just stay perfectly for the whole day if you do not brush it.

Hope you will have healthy and nice hair this time!

Hey Wulf those are really some great tips, thanks for your contribution :smile:

Thank you :slight_smile: You are very welcome!

My hair was quite long about a year ago, but it used to get in my way quite a lot lol, so I decided to get it cut short. but since I’ve been growing it back but it’s not growing correctly. I would suggest growing it but only to s length that you feel.

My hair is like it has a mind of its own. So I wanted to let it grow long, but then it started going everywhere and it started curling and I couldn’t do anything about it. But now I’ve let it grow even longer and it’s heavier now so it falls down under it’s own weight, so it looks acceptable now. I must warn you though that I don’t really give a shit about how I look, so if you want some style don’t listen to me.

I wish i could help on this one, but honestly, I dont do anything to my hair, well except wash and brush it. I dont blow dry, or dye (anymore that is).

I myself am trying to grow my hair long…ger its already pretty long, about at my elbows. I so would love to have it past my butt though that would be awesome.

but as far as advice goes… dont bleach it, and shampoo like every second time because shampooing strips the natural oils from your hair that keep it healthy and prevent breakage. (but im sure someone in a previous post has already said that :smile: )

Iprefer my hair longs, make me look less like the others of my generation. Also keeps my ears warm in winter :content:

I grow my hair long, much longer than most women I know with long hair. I never liked getting my hair cut, so one day I just decided I wouldn’t do it anymore (well, I have, but much more rarely). I don’t have much problem with it, though I think its contributed somewhat to my dandruff.

My hair’s always been short. Now that I have uniform to keep in order, I kinda have to keep it short. Never really liked the long hair look, I don’t think I could pull it off, anway.