Longest lucid dream (in dream time)?

My longest ND I remember was several months- and I remember like all of it (except for about a month in the middle, where time had just “passed”).

My longest LD felt like it lasted around half an hour, maybe a bit more. That one was a long time ago, before I started trying to LD. All my others have been very brief, less than a minute. I’m working on it. :slight_smile:

I think that my longest one was about 2 days, I remember meeting the girl, and first night we were at my house, and second at here house, so that has to be 2 nights and we were doing some stuff trough the day :happy:… So that is the longest one…


Longest LD for me was about four hours in dream time. No idea how long in real life.

I’ve had a three hour lucid dream. It’s really strange when dreams last longer than 30 mins - 1 hour in dream time.

Imagine having a LD lasting 100 years and then not remembering it.


Like about 1h lucid dream time, reality time , don’t know.

My first was 1 Second, my second was 10 seconds. And I had some Normal dreams before that I though that some parts were real for 3 Years. And my first LD was before I even knew what a LD was, I looked at my hands, noticed I was dreaming, then I woke up. :wolfbite:

I think my best has been about 15 minutes or so.

Almost 5 minutes. I couldn’t achieved longer ones just 1 minute long ones and most of them last for some seconds… (the current number of my LDs are the 1 minute long ones. I should practice more) :shy:

My longest LD was < 5 mins… my control kinda sucks and yeah…

And I wonder why it can be possible to have dreams which lasted for days but in real time it is like 1-2 hours…

You have no idea what immense discussion you may have oppened with that question.
It’s been so long I last LD’d I can’t really remember, not long though, you need lots of experience (me thinks) in order to produce long LDs.

For first thing there is scientific prove that the longest REM sleep was around 45 minutes so there is no way to dream 2 hours continuously without waking up, you may link or chain dreams but there are different opinions on this, whether this was a one dream or 2 :smile:.

But what goes about dream time that’s whole another discussion, but in my opinion I agree with Bleant, it’s all about experience and control…

this question reminds me of this song (its instrumental for about 5 minutes but there is a nice dream related dialogue in there)

Also as many people who have done psychedelic drugs will know, at some points in the trip moments can occur in which you feel as though an infinite amount of time has past in little to no time. the fact that this can happen gives me hope that the brain has potential, while sober, to induce periods of time that seem extended.
Everyone should check out that song, its awesome :biggrin:

As an ex drug user I confirm the mind can greatly alter it’s perception of time.
Not only when using drugs, your emotions and interests also affect it.
Some people can actually slow their perception of time consciously.
Say that there is a limit to how the mind can alter its perception, combine it with the mind’s very effective ability to fill blank holes with details and fake memories
it is quite possible to feel like you have been dreaming for a very long time.
YOUR perception is all that matters in dreamtime.

I have to say, I had FA which lasted like 7 hours. It was really messed up.

Imagine this, I woke up, took a shower (did all that morning stuff). Then got on the bus to school. I was there for 5 hours. I remeber every single lesson. I rember breaks when I was fooling with freinds. And then it was 15 on clock and I was ready to go home. Boom. I woke up in my bed! It was real WTH?!! moment.

I’m new to lucid dreaming, so my longest seemed to be about two minutes. Not very impressive, but it’s a start! :cool:

My longest LD felt like days…

I often get the “skipping” effect, like: “a lucid part where it’s the morning” and “an other part it’s night”.

Felt like hours.

WILD - ~3 mins
MILD - ~40 mins