Looking for beta testers...

wow, looks like 5 new people have joined to post in this thread. :happy:

welcome everybody! I know more than a few from Norway and Sweden, but don’t see as many from Hungary. Nice to meet you all.

If anyone gets picked as a beta tester maybe you can reply and let us know how it goes. As for me, I’m still crossing my fingers I get an email soon. :smile:

Im in too…very very much in…thx:)

Hm, I mailed him for about 11 hours ago.
I’m afraid davie, will i dream?

I’m waiting to hear back from Adam whether or not they have all the testers they need. I’ll let you all know as soon as I know something.

Is it the same device you have mentioned in other thread?Bwgen alike?
if so i guess there would be computer at home needed…not in my case ,then please withdraw my signup:)

I got in, yay.
Watts: what file is best? :smile:
And a problem, those in the sticky on the forum is corrupt for me. could you send yours?

yay! I got in too moppe. :happy:

The files for me only 1 out of 4 of them are corrupt. I suppose the beta testing forum would be best to discuss this.

However, if I get any impressive results I’ll be sure to share them here. :smile:

[b][color=indigo]is it still open for more testers? I want in…

I’d love to do this, I’ve had ld’s and I am completely free all day everyday to do stuff with it. I am willing to do just about ANYTHING so I should be perfect…COME OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooonnnnnnnnnn

anyway yeah :smile: [/color][/b]

Huh, that’s wierd. All files except the first one of the list (even the ones from the site) are broke for me. :confused:

DA: could you mail me “your” .bwt files at niclas.sjoqvist@egonet.se

Just want to check if this works.

I would not mind being a beta tester either :smile: If there still is room for more testers, then please send me a pm or something

All problems, suggestions, etc. really should be posted at the beta test forum.

Yeah i got accepted!!!

I’d love to do this. :content:

I know Im not typing much, but Im not sucking up either. Im being honest =P. Pick me if you want/need me to test. I havent LDed besides 2 LDs in 6+ months.


I also want to beta test :content:

alright sign me up as well i will do it :cool:

Good news! I just got a message from Adam saying that after he gets a few more bugs worked out of the software he’s going to accept a dozen or so more testers.

What is the name of the program?

I’d love to be a beta tester for it too! If they’ll accept me, count me in!

FYI: About 12 more slots just opened up the beta test.