Lucid Bar

i guess it would be somewhere inbetween

yeah, i would ty it if i was you :smile: Though i like trying to taste all kinds of different beers :smile:

they say Vareity is the greatest Spice of LIfe, and i have to agree :content:

I guess that’s my goal of this Thread :smile:

Thanks Tomas :happy:

Hubbs, you should go to Germany on holiday for the famous beer festival there!
:beer: :beer:
Re. bitter, lager and lime and cider…they are three separate drinks!
Bitter and cider should be obvious. The other is lager with a dash of lime cordial added. Variety is the spice of life! :wiske:

Moogle, you don´t mean the festival in munich, do you?
Well, I never was there, but we got about the same thing in Stuttgart (It´s the “Canstatter Wasen Volksfest”).Ok, there´s beer, but it´s VERY expensive, very bad music is playing and there are a whole lot of stupid people (I am not saying everyone there is stupid… but a lot).
Some weeks ago I was with my brother and some friends going out.We left the train station just like 30min after the “Volksfest” is closed.In my whole live I never saw such masses of people that drunk! I mean, the most sober of them were singing and stuff, some couldn´t even walk anymore…
Oh well, probably if you never saw something like this it´s fun :wink:

Now to the important things:
Well, it´s very simple.Get yourself some wheat-beer (there is wheat-beer where you live?!), some banana juice, and mix it in a big glass (about 50% beer, 50% juice, can be vary of course).
Well, haven´t noticed a lot of effects on LDing, but perhaps I didn´t drink enough :wink:
Oh yes, I think trying to get drunk on it would be a stupid idea with all the banana juice…
Anyway, it´s delicious
If you ever come to germany, just go into a bar and ask for a “Bananenweizen”.They know what you mean, but I must warn you:
If you got any german friends with you, they´ll look at you like you are mad, and won´t stop telling you what a disgusting, blasphemic and stupid thing you´ve just done, that you aren´t a man and that it´s a sin to drink beer with banana juice, until you beg for pardon and order a “Pils” (do you know Pils? Typical strong german type of beer, although I think it´s origins are in the east from germany.Perhaps poland? Perhaps Jack knows more about it).
The best way to react to this is demonstratively taking a large sip of beer, and telling everyone with a big content smile how delicious it is

Btw, my favourite alcoholic isn´t beer.I think it´s red wine.
When it comes to harder stuff, tequilla is good, also whiskey&cola.The longterm favourite is Gin&Tonicwater.
It if comes to taste, this chinese “plumwine” is great.Also, rather unknown, amaretto mixed with apple juice.Both aren´t for getting drunk, though.
What I don´t like is vodka, and everything with anis in it (like ouzo, sambuca…).

And remember, don´t drink too much :wink:

Banana juice?! :eek:

I’ve never heard of such a thing. I figure they’d have to pulp the entire fruit to actually get anything juice-like out of it. I’ll have to look out for it.

I completely agree with your objection to aniseed. I used to enjoy it, but now the taste is just horrid.

One day Moogle :cool: (when im very rich :wink: ), so what exactly is in your cider? Is it alone?and bitter, whats that?

Sounds intresting, if i went to a bar here and ask for that, they would look at me like if i was crazy, or say WTF! :gni:
I liked to try that one time, its on my list when i visit moogle :content: .Thats funny though about how people would react towards your drink :happy: . One couldnt hurt :wink:

I had new beer last night, it was a same brand i sometimes get(Yuengling) but its called [color=brown]Black & Tan[/color]. I liked it alot, it reminded me off Dark Becks . I love beer

Hubbs asked so what exactly is in your cider? Is it alone?and bitter, whats that?

The cider is just neat, strong, dry/medium cider. I have been known to have whiskey mixed with weak cider in the past…but if you mixed it with the strong stuff…it would be lethal!!

Bitter is just a type of generic beer. The type I have in the house at the moment is Shipstone’s (established 1990) and it’s 4% vol. The cider above is even stronger.

I never get hangovers…and I’m not an alcoholic. :beer:

Pretty Cool, i never knew cider had wiskey, pretty intresting. Lately myself, i been bar Hoping in Ft. Luaderdale, FL, and they actually offer free shots of liquor, but charge a great amount for beer. Yet the marlins won, so it was a celebration, and there was tons of Girls!(Women) I had a great time, but had a one to many. No hangover though :tongue:

Im still on the search for that wonder Beer :cool:

And i think i just found that wonder beer last night, here’s a link it will work) Its Beck’s Oktoberfest , this was the best beer i had since George Killians, it wassugar to my lips, i love it. To bad its only a certain amount of time though, i want to go to Germany now. :cry:

I just had to let you know :content:

I’m a whiskey man myself. Jack daniels, Crown, I’ll drink it all straight.

I like this one beer, I know I won’t spell it right but, warsteiner. But since I’m really broke, I stick to 40’s of icehouse or colt .45.

Don’t mind picking up some Jägermeister either…basically just give me some liquor and it’ll be gone in the morning.

I don’t like vodka or tequilla to much, Well I don’t mind it, it’s my stomach that hates it. :cry:

Meant to add, is a good site to find recipes for mixed drinks. A few pop-ups so beware! :razz:

Wait, isn´t becks an international beer? I thought you can get this one everywhere.
Anyway, here it is standard.If there are different kinds of beer to pick from, it´s usually Becks and some others.
Christopher, you almost spelt it right, it´s Wahrsteiner.

And to add some new suggestion:
I was in Köln (Cologne) last weekend, and drank “Kölsch” for the first time.This is not a label but a kind of beer.And it tastes good :wink:

Hehe, sorry, but there are very few occasions were you can try to show-off cause you live in germany, so I got to use it :wink:


I’ve seen that beer plenty of times to deny it, is it good? I heard advertisements on the radio too, but the cmmericial seemed way to cheasy. Its kinda of expensive too :sad: Like that Oktoberfest , that was 15$
for a 12 pack! :cool_laugh:

Wow, i never thought i would come back to this thread, but i made a new discovery. Well, its not new, but its my first time trying it. Im not sure if anyone has tried it, or liked it. I think its ok, i’ve seen it in the store loads of times, but never bought it just because it was expensive. It’s called Flying dog, the label has a weird illustration on it, kind of like Fear and Loathing, if you ever saw the book. Well, the type i bought is called Road Dog, its marked on a scale from light to dark and malty to hoppy. The marking is malty and dark, it has a different taste from most beers, i kind of like it. Ever heard of it? ever tried it? Give me some thoughts :happy: .

Just wanted to get that off my chest :grin:

My top three beers:

Rickards Honey Brown
Big Bear (1.2 liter bottle at 8 percent…mmmm.)

MMM Honey Brown I like honey brown. The first time i had it, I didnt like it. I had it on tap at a bar, it tasted different comparing to a bottle. I bought it again, and i liked it alot :wink: .

Im not a big fan of Heineken, its alright, but not my favorite. And i never heard of Big Bear :eh:

Beer! i think I might go to a beerfest tonight, I’m depending on my friends, and it says it has like a 100 tastings of beer :beer: , I hope i go :grin:

My brother made some ginger beer or something. It tasted much better than must beers. Although (at 15) I am not yet a huge fan of beer. I do like wine however. Expecially red wine.

I’m Scottish… I drink everything lol. I aint totally drunk all the time… but we Scot’s like our drink! I was going through a staright vodka phase for a while before my accident…but my stomach shrunk during hospital so I was getting drunk easier (which is cool and cheap! :grin: ) so I started working my way up again lol.

Jack Daniels, vodka, ansence (absenth), nearly all beers (if it tastes bad then drink it faster dammit), white wine…dont drink red wine! WHISKEY! Woohoo… You know Famous Grouse whiskey? It’s Scottish. Well I live about a quarter of a mile from the Famous Grouse’s Glen Turret Distillery…Scotland’s oldest distillery! Free samples… mmmm.

Right now I am drinking some Stella… It aint too bad and it’s all I got at the moment anyway!

Whatever happened to the English and there beer. (What beer you ask?) Even ireland drink beer of there own. Out of interests, in scotland do hey really wair kilts nacked.

Ok… Lets not count social things like dances or special events and things ok. Just normal everyday life. Last year I think I must have seen 2 people wearing kilts. Nobody does. I’m very proud to be Scottish, and I have a kilt. Most Scots do…but its for special occasions. And we dont go around eating haggis either lol. It’s like saying… umm I cant think of another national dress another country has… Well we aint as stereotypical as other people I’ve tlaked to…probably coz we GET most of the stereotypical crap lol. But I’m sure theres other national dress or national food in other countries which aint really used or eaten at all…its more just tradition.

Scotland is like England. Less people (therefore less neds :grin: but still too many in my opinion) and more hills. England is flat. Other than that it’s the same. People do the same things in the same kind of cities and towns and act the same.

Oh and we don’t talk like freaks. And we don’t walk around saying “Och aye the noo”. LOL!