Right now there is a huge chaos around me lol, but as soon I have lots of time - I’ll start the new challenge!
I wish I could have lucid dreams so easily…Practicing take time , how much time did you had to practise to get to thoose results ?
It’s something you have to practice at religiously and you will get better it will become easier. It’s different for everyone but for me (I’m not sure who you were asking the question too) it helps to meditate during the day just by staying aware of my surroundings and constantly doing RC through out the day like holding my nose and breathing. LDs don’t happen everynight for me like it does for Amaryllis, I can’t wait to get to that level, But it happens at least once a week if not 2 or 3 times. Hope I could help a little.
Sweet Dream and good luck
Dryalantha I am going to be away two days and will have little access to a computer so if you start the challange can you please sign me up!!!
thanks for answering , but for me it take a lot of time … I don’t know why…