Lucid challenge #22 Oficcially over, see challenge #23

Long LD for me. Counting up… I’m at 220 :rofl:

Nice, now I need to get some more LD’s or you’ll beat me. This should be fun :cool:

Another LD, but I forgot it for the most part, so only 20 pts :confused:

Two long LDs. :smile:
I woke up in the middle of the night after the first,
Then went back to sleep with Grag in my head - repeated, so I won’t forget it.
After I woke up, I had a theory about what was the Grag in the dream.
I’ll post here a link to the dream when I’ll post it. :tongue:

In the meanwhile -
55 + 30 + 30 + 15/25 (I didn’t really find it or create it. it, umm… was there. o.o) = 130/145

Hey, sorry about long waits between tasks, i’m busy latly with homework, band and basketball (just came back from a game, won by 11 :happy: )

Highten your education!

This challenge is to highten your education, on any subject, be it math, how to play a sport, how to play an instrument, or how to be lucid. Go to school and learn ANYTHING!!!

Task points:
Go to school- 10 points
Go to school and learn something, but forget- 15 points
Go to school and remember what you learn-20 points
Go to school and teach- 25 points

Go to school and with your other challengers- 20 points

You have a normal dream without ever considering you are dreaming = 0 points
You consider you may be dreaming at least once in the dream, but don’t get lucid = 10 points
You realize you are dreaming, but wake up in under approximately 10 seconds of your realization = 20 points
You realize you are dreaming and have a lucid dream that lasts over approximately 10 seconds = 30 points

Updating the scores:
Also the scores are now:
Solaris-265 points :grin:
Tosxychor-240 points
Ghostie11-20 points

Oh, Leeh, by ‘find’ i meant find out what it means, which you did, or at least you tell me :wink:

Anyway good luck!

Oh my, 2 short LD’s last night and I’m in head :shy: I feel kinda ashamed, leading this without even attepting a single challenge :tongue:
Oh wait, I was in a class learning new stuff when I got lucid (I call your fault for inducing me school dreams, Danielns :lol:), and I even remember what I learned in the ND (was mainly about winds and currents, I can detail it if needed), but the lucid part was just a mute, thought-y bunch of seconds in the class. Does it count for anything? :tongue:

I had a short WILD last night. I woke up almost immediately though. No succes completing the challenges.

20 points then.

it counts whether you complete the challenge, concious dream or uncouncious

Golly! I’m then at a very round 300 ^^ I posted my attempt in my DJ.

Well, here is my Grag anyway -

It’s a control panel for dreams.

Used it in my last LD, and in result, caused a gameish LD.

2 Kinda LDs~
first - 10 points
second - 30 points.

I Just looove your Grag!

I had two LD’s where I completed two challenges (not the last one though).

I ask a dream character what a Garg is. It’s earths field of gravity, extracted from another planet. I see a diameter of the earth with two rotating arrows at the core in my minds eye. This represents the concept. I ask myself what it would be like to experience garg. In response my body is pressed to the ground with tremendous force. The ground actually crumbles beneath my feet and I am slowly being pulled into the ground, towards the core of the earth.

I watch too much sciencefiction :tongue:

When I wake up, I remain very still and watch HI. This allows me to reenter the dream using WILD. In the dream I change my age. I become much older.

50 points for the change your age challenge and 55 for the grag challenge. Minus 10 points for not completing them on time, so 95 points total.

Oooo, lucid dream during a short nap. It was quite fuzzy dream, I just remember that I couldn’t move my right hand and it was in desert. First I did hand looking reality test and failed, then I took hold of my nose and tried to breath and noticed that I could and realised I was dreaming. But I felt that I was in very light sleep and if I would move I would probably wake up…

Then I realised that if I were sleeping I probably could miss my bus. I actually didn’t mean to fell asleep, just rest few minutes with eyes closed. That woke me up and I didn’t miss that bus. So 20 points.

Developed an LD from an FLD :cool_laugh:

I found it longer than 10 secs, so Im on 50 points now :cool:

I had an awesome WILD last night. It lasted at least half an hour :woo: I went to school and played the piano for some time. At first I played some basic tunes, but after that I started doing really advanced stuff. Stuff that’s physically impossible in RL. I forgot to teach others though. Then I explored the dreamscape and had sex with some random dream character. I kept myself lucid by looking at my hands from time to time. 55 points then.

425 points total, if I calculated correctly :grin:

I did look up a word in a dictionary last night, but it was probably not “Garg” and it wasn’t a lucid dream anyway. Though I do have a feeling that the word I looked up was dream-related. No luck at all…

Tried to complete a challenge and failed :tongue: the LD is in my DJ, a long one.

sorry for not posting anything recently, i’ve been sick the past few days, i’ll try to post the challenge and scores later if i’m feeling better :sad:

I’ll see if I manage to complete the other challenges before the final one spawns :tongue: besides, had a very short LD last night, I actually decided to lose lucidity and go on with the dream :lol:, whatever.

EDIT: Did it again in the afternoon.

MORE EDIT: A short LD on the 12th, 390 pts.