Lucid Dreaming/Buddhist meditation

I have recently combined my interest in meditation with my ability to have lucid dreams quite frequently. Once I enter into a lucid dream I simply meditate and try to clear my mind which to me has quite interesting possibilities. Two questions to put out there, has anyone tried this for a long period of time and had success in furthering meditation. another question is that ever since I started meditating in my lucid dreaming demons come up from the ground and start chasing me… even though I am lucid I usually wake up shorty after even though trying to confront these demons, any thoughts on these problem?

A lot has been discussed on meditation, and its effectiveness for achieving lucidness has been proved multiple times, either as a gateway to WILD or through Lucid living. You can search the forum for meditation, you’ll find something interesting in the archives.

As for he nightmares: with meditation comes knowledge of self, and with that your fears start to surface: When you get lucid in the nightmares, you must resolve to put an end with to the useless running from yourself. You can choose between two options: you can confront the monster directly, and affirm your superiority, eventually by battling (but this is rarely the case), or you can take the friendly approach, and start asking questions.
“Who are you?”
“Why are you tormenting me?”
“What can i do to win my fears?”
“Can you help me?”
“Can I help you?”
That, or a big hug, regardless of who’s in front of you, usually works :hugs: . Some people have some nice adventure, after that, with what the nightmare trasforms into, usually.
The main point is accepting fears as a natural part of yourself and learning to know them, not to be driven mindlessly by them, but using them when necessary instead.