Lucid Lottery

Im sure than most of you tried this…
many people tell, than we can move into the future in our lds :smile: I believe than its possible, but, has anybody tried to look up numbers of lottery to win some milons? :happy:
waiting for answer… :smile:

So you read my advise in this thread

I have seen future, but I would not spoil the lottery with a vision of the winningnumber :tongue: It r called cheating and should not be used :down:

cheating is cool :happy: what can tell more experienced users ? :smile:
have anyone tried that?

about cheating: everybody cheat, why i have to not do that? the SYSTEM is baaad and if i cheat him, im making the good stuff :smile:
whats bad if i will fly to egypt or somewhere else and pay some money to charity?

Cheating is mostly a bad thing, but using a lucid dream to win in a lottery. Well, what more proof could you need? If you can foresee the lottery numbers, what else could you see?

A gift like that would be better suited for helping the world, not personal gain. :no:

Agreed, using power for own best is wrong, but there are sadly people who do this :wallhit:

i dont feel sad :happy: and money are good for me, my family and for people with which Ill share them ;]

Disagreed. If you have money, you have power. Having power means you are in an able position to help the world. I’d love to be able to help the world right now, but I can’t because I don’t even have enough money to support myself, let alone anyone else. If I had money from winning the lottery, I could use it to help others.

If you’d help people with the money, then I guess it would be a good idea.

completely agreed ;]

With power you can help people without money :wink:

Money is not everything :cool:

you have right, for me also money arent everything… :smile:
I started with LDs and OOBEs for finding the TRUTH and the TRUTH is still most important for me, but we all need money for living and Ill also help people without money, when I`ll learn how to win in lottery :happy:
Im egoistic, but not as much as you think i am :smile:

You’ve definitely got a point there.

This is crazy!
How can you see the future in something completely constructed by your own mind?
That doesn’t make any sense.

Not for you probably, but some people can see future. I dont know how to say it, once we are in a dream, we are in another time. However, its rare (for most people) that you are in your own future, I am not expert on this area :cool: