Lucidity Challenge 38: Awards Ceremony!

OlegEqualzName: I understand the school bit. I’m in college. :razz:

And you could, but didn’t so no personal goal points. :razz:

Task 5 - Taste
You all knew it was coming… so…

This week treat yourself to various items of delicacy! You’re goal will be to sample the world around you in a way that is often not done in dreams. Points will be awarded upon the following criteria:

[b]1. Taste some food and recall the taste + 40

  1. Taste something “not-food” and recall the taste + 50
  2. Taste something you made + 60
  3. Taste something impossible (like fire) + 70
    If you think you’ve earned points, please post them. Also, if you have questions as to whether or not something will qualify as “not-food” or “impossible” please ask. Generally, something “not-food” is not edible IRL while something “impossible” is something that cannot be tasted IWL like fire. Note that the two groups are mutually exclusive, at least when it comes to this challenge.

Bonus Task
Congrats go to Wyvern who completed the Shrinking bonus twice. This week’s bonus (which comes from something squoak said in chat :smile: ) is…

* CHHHEEEEEEEEESSSSSEEEEEE!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Welp. I leave the interpretation of that up to each of the contestants. :happy:

This task will run for one week until approximately 6 PM EST, Sunday, September 22, 2013. Good luck!

Not many options when it comes to this weeks Creativity Points… I have to give them to Rhewin, though, as his recount of the cookies and Michael Jackson was the most entertaining of the Task 4 dreams submitted.

LC 38 Scoreboard

  1. Wyvern ( 3765 )

  2. Thorn ( 3610 )

  3. Rhewin ( 2965 )

  4. LDbc12 ( 1435 )

  5. HeadInTheClouds ( 945 )

  6. BrandonBoss ( 390 )

  7. Lumessence ( 300 )

  8. Letaali ( 190 )

  9. OlegEqualzName ( 185 )

  10. Yev ( 115 )

  11. Jessica ( 105 )

  12. James_UK2008 ( 90 )

  13. muccy ( 55 )

  14. Mew151 ( 55 )

  15. Ecila6 ( 20 )

  16. argon ( 0 )

  17. catt ( 0 )

  18. Scipio Xaos ( 425 )