Okay everybody. We have our 12 starting contestants so here is our first task:
Task 1: Sight
We have sight all the time in our dreams, but usually we use it in a menial manner… so to speak. This week’s task will be to see something, but not like normal. You have to push this sense to the limit to earn points.
I want amazing wonderments of sight. I want fantastical images of awe. I want descriptions of complex intricacies that leave you lost. I want you to experience the shock of a wonder of your own world. Go forth and find it.
[b]1. See something Grand + 20
- See something Inspiring + 20
- See something in Vivid Detail +15
Obviously, your own interpretations of “grand” and “inspiring” will differ from mine. Therefore, in order to earn points for this task you have to describe what you saw in your dream. Be sure to do so in detail, though.
Bonus Task
During each task I will have one… somewhat random… bonus task. Each bonus will be worth 10 points and is eligible for lucid and combo points. You can only accomplish the bonus, however, during the week that it is given. This weeks bonus…
* Lay an egg!
Just lay an egg and let me know what happens!
This task will run for one week until approximately 6 PM EST, Sunday, August 25, 2013. Good luck!