Lumessence: Lol.
Also, as long as you can remember exactly what was said, it will count for Dialogue.
I gave you points for the (fear, anger) dream.
Thorn: Did some research and I’m going to say for the sake of the LC confusion is a mental state, not an emotion. Sorry.
New Personal Goal noted.
muccy: Nice try!
Mew151: TOO EAZY eh?
Wyvern: I better have tasted good!
HeadInTheClouds: Yes the same sight can be counted for both parts.
BrandonBoss: I wasn’t able to score your dreams here as it was difficult for me to follow your DJ entry. Could you please separate your claims in each dream into sections where you were / weren’t lucid as well as clarify which parts happened where? It’s difficult for me to score in its current form.
And yes, you can repeat the same personal goal again if you’d like.
Rhewin: That took a bit, but your dream dump is scored.
Task 7 - In Greater Detail
And so we come to the final quest in our journey. You all have been focusing on the recollection of one thing: detail. But what good is a singular detail in the midst of a sea of forms? Nothing. It is singular. And with that, you shall search now for greater detail.
This week’s task will charge you with not only quality, but quantity. You will need to perform tasks similar to the previous ones simultaneously! Not one or two, but at least three to gain points! Of course… should you manage to take in all six at once you shall have accomplished the true purpose of this Lucid Challenge, and so I wish you luck!
[b]1. Take in a panoramic view of the scenery around you.
- Listen to your heart and the world around you.
- Feel the earth in your hands; feel the world hold you.
- Breathe in the aroma of the dream spirits; let them fill you.
- Taste the nectar offered to you by your mind.
- Let emotion inundate you; let your mind be swept away by the currents of your subconscious.
You may notice there are no scores listed. That is because this task is scored on how many of the above are completed in one sitting. NOTE: you need to experience the six (or any smaller combination thereof) within a short time frame in order for it to be counted as simultaneous. Also, note that if you claim Task 7, you are not eligible for points from the previous tasks. Additionally, previous tasks are only worth one fourth of their listed scores, rounded down.
[color=red]Please note that a DJ entry is REQUIRED to claim Task 7 points. If you do not have a DJ on the forums feel free to post your dream in the thread or PM it to me. When claiming Task 7 be sure to mention that you are (claiming Task 7) in your post and state which of the six portions you believe you accomplished. I will give the final ruling after reading your submission as to how many points you deserved.
Remember, the more detail, the more likely you’ll earn points![/color]
The scoring is as follows: 1000 * (1 / 2) ^ (6 - n) where n >= 3. (Sorry for the maths. ) Note that Lucid, Combo, and Early points involved apply to the six components individually. This means that should you complete at least three (say 3 for this example) you will earn 3 lucid, 3 early, and 2 combo sets.
If you have any other question, please feel free to ask!
You may notice this post is up earlier. Should you still have tasks that complete emotion to submit I will accept them, but I will be unable to post this at 6 per normal. Task 6 will only award early points, though, until 6PM EST (or one hour from this posting) so if you have your dream after, I’m sorry.
This task will run for one week until approximately 6 PM EST, Sunday, October 6, 2013. At that point in time the awards shall be given out and the next (possible) Task Master shall be crowned! Good luck!
Bonus Task
Congrats go again to Lumessence (for completing the task twice!) and to Mew for his… err… “completion” as well. Since we’re in the act of creating bonuses from my addictions, why not one more. This weeks bonus…
* Click the Cookie!
Yup. I just did that.
This week the creativity points are more of “Interesting Points”. I wouldn’t say any of the accomplishments of this task were ‘creative’, but Lumessence’s emotional tasks were at least emotionally touching to me while reading them. As such, she gains this weeks creativity points.
LC 38 Scoreboard
Thorn ( 7510 )
Rhewin ( 5140 )
Wyvern ( 5045 )
Lumessence ( 4030 )
LDbc12 ( 2030 )
HeadInTheClouds ( 1945 )
BrandonBoss ( 1185 )
James_UK2008 ( 600 )
Yev ( 545 )
Mew151 ( 355 )
Letaali ( 190 )
OlegEqualzName ( 185 )
muccy ( 175 )
Jessica ( 105 )
Ecila6 ( 20 )
demented ( 10 )
argon ( 0 )
catt ( 0 )
squoak ( 0 )
Scipio Xaos ( 755 )