Lucidity Challenge 39: Congratulations, Koharo!

Losing power on purpose is easy. Just put the power in an item and leave the item. :smile:

Fun thing to do: let go of lucidity purposefully.
Probably don’t do it for this competition. :happy:

Much easier said than done. I’m connected too thoroughly to my dreamworld for that to work. It’s not so much a power, as it is an integration. Even suppression, and ND’s do not prevent my dream manipulative ability. It is not much different than telling yourself to stop thinking completely.

I’m mostly participating in the LC for a slightly differently hued goal. Not controlling my dream, but controlling myself. A part of that is that I completely lack discipline to plan and carry out goals and guidelines. I did fairly well in the last LC only because it was not so much regarding actions and goals, but just perceptions.

I am guessing that I will not do so well in this LC, but we will see.

I don’t do good with goals either. I normally accomplish a goal every other LD, but it is normally a goal that I had a month ago or so. :razz: This is why it is always a goal of mine to explore, this happens automatically without other goals, so this makes it always satisfying. :happy:

and for the rest:
“believe you can, or believe you can’t, you are right either way.”

Before any of that though
This has to end…

I had trickles of the dream world last night in which I’ve been inspired, encountered, and even began a very fascinating way to approach this task. It’s going to be a real shame if I can’t finalize it.

I had a VERY short moment of lucidity in this morning’s dream. (And also several FA’s. :neutral:)


Okaaaay… As I say in the DJ entry… I am conflicted… :razz: But here’s a completion of Task 1 Parts 3 and 4. (I’m gonna number them to make it easy to convey which I’m talking about. The numbering is sequential from top to bottom… :razz: ) Why the confliction? You’ll see. :tongue:

LC 39 and Fishing ~ Non-Lucid Dream ~ Task 1 Parts 3, and 4 color=green[/color]

Dreams so Far:

[spoiler]NLDs: 1

Task 1: Part 3, Part 4, EARLY

I think I compiled that correctly, Thorn… I’ll find out after you score the dream. :smile:

Med FLD. Not task related.

@Thorn :bored: So 1:45pm central time was really too early to count for anything??
And FLD length make a difference like LD length??
RC 's[/color]

Today’s randomly generated goal:
LC participants, in your next LD, you should shoot fireworks from your hands while in an ant colony and in the form of Godzilla!
There’s a conflict in sizes here; will you go for giant ants or a small Godzilla? Or will you wait until the script spits out something sensible? Remember, finishing the latest task created by the script awards 30 points, whether it’s logical or not! It also changes approximately every 24 hours, so you only get one shot!

Yev, lucidity begets lucidity, so congrats on your moment of lucidity!

Scipio, that definitely counts. Just remember that for the repeatable “objects on your person” task, you’ll need to use the baton to rewind time again before starting on a new on-person object. We’ll excuse the teleportation aspect as it didn’t work in that dream, and you’re free to try an object that empowers without worrying about the baton since we’re keeping the two ideas separate in the scoring.

Koharo, I can’t accept dreams from before the LC started, sorry. :confused: Also, FLDs are a flat 5 points no matter the length. We’re training LDs, and FLDs are a nice “almost there” concept but not what we ultimately want. :tongue:

BrandonBoss, I see you were lucid last night, got chain points, and even took a stab at your personal goal, although you haven’t posted any info here yet. Don’t forget to post and give me an idea of the dream’s length!

The scores are updated! Note that the scoreboard is now here; I updated the link in the Task 1 post accordingly. I had a syncing issue that led to the scoreboard being outright deleted (yay for The Cloud!), so I uploaded my backup copy to a new address.

[color=olive]:up: Okay I had to ask again because I didn’t consider the time zones the first time around.

:dingy: Alright then reload it and hit harder next time 'round.
Imitates Joe Swanson Woo!! Fight club!! Get some!! [/color]

^ It comes down to the LC judging based on “the last task active when you go to sleep”. When you went to sleep, there was no task, so the LC did not start for you. This ensures that everybody gets an equal amount of sleeps for each task. Going to sleep and luckily dreaming in line with a task that is posted while you are asleep is not our aim; incubation and lucidity is our aim.

Ah, Thorn, that is a dream from like 6-7th night, it would have counted for last competition had I posted it then. I posted that because I was talking about fighting with some people. It is what gave me the idea for the goal, :razz: not an attempt at it. All my fights don’t end till I wake up or just leave. That is why I didn’t post it here.

Last night I had nothing to do with goals. Boring NDs. Planning on doing some fighting tonight. :happy:

^ Ah, okay. Sorry for the assumption; it’s the very beginning of the LC, so I’m playing nanny a bit until I know everybody’s got the routine down. :razz: In the future, I’ll only score dreams linked or paraphrased in this topic.

Had a very short lucid dream last night, without the completion of any task:


ian1, congrats on your LD! Hopefully they get longer!

Scores are updated.

False Lucid and two LDs (one average, one short), completed personal task. Gonna go for that one again against a real opponent.

I am in a courtyard with my wife and some random kids from “school”. A witch starts attacking and I start throwing fireballs and punches at her. She stay up in a tree and I start climbing the tree when I remember wood and fire don’t mix. I set it on fire and tear off a piece of wood and throw it at her as she flies away.

LD #1 (10 min chain)
I am in a car with my pastor. I look at my hands and notice that one has a double tip (think pitchfork) I think about jumping out, but it seems too real. RC again. Jump out of car, stabilize. Seems to be the same place I fought the with, except it is light out now. Can’t remember any tasks. Fight something. I don’t see a DC anywhere. Houses nearby though. I wake up.
Still looking at a back yard. I cut the fence in half by putting my hands in between the wood. I see a windmill, after going through 5 backyards. I could totally fins someone to fight in there. My eyes open.
Wake up. Write down notes.

LD#2 (7 minutes chain)
I am almost ready for work. As I am getting in the car I think that none of this makes sense. Look at my hands and I had a wandering finger. My wife attacks me (sexually :razz:)I try to get away and I wake up.
Lay still. I keep feeling late to work. Want to check, but I also want to LD, gotta trust my alarm.

Backyards again, can’t see the windmill. I’ll head into a house and fight someone there. That fence truck is amazing. I go through a fence and see another fence. I do this for like 2 minutes till I realize that I need to change expectation. Think of a house past fence. Finally a house. Make my way through the backyard and I see a screen and glass door. I try the fence trick on it (going tonne called “seaming” now) on the screen and then the glass. Inside there are two people having sex. I can fight them! I throw the guy across the room with telekinesis. The girl runs to me and starts making moves at me (don’t need to elaborate). I put my handnon her head and decide what to do. I was planning on aging, but that wouldn’t be actually winning like I had predetermined. I decided! She started groping and her arms and legs get shorter, her skin gets shinier. Her joints started having that line and then she suddenly had the full transformation. She was a doll. I then woke up. [/spoiler]

BrandonBoss, I thought you wanted to win a fight for your personal goal? That seemed more like an assault. :tongue: Joking aside, congrats on getting your goal done. Did you mean that your replacement personal goal was to do that again but with a real opponent, or was that just a comment?

Scores are updated.

Okay, voting for the group incubation has closed, and Siiw’s idea won by a landslide. She mentioned that “when I decided on the power object, I remembered a dream with several coloured crystals in it. The one I picked up gave me so much power over water that I was afraid and dropped it there, in a mountain side, above my parents’ house. The other three are still free to grab. There is a red, a green and a yellow one that were never used by me, while the blue gave me the power to summon tidal waves. I didn’t really explore it, since the power scared me.”

As this group incubation is just a straightforward implementation of the task as a group, it’s worth 30 points, broken down as follows:* 6 points for remembering to use crystals and trying to act upon the group incubation task, with another 6 points for using one (using one before next week nets you the early points if those haven’t been earned yet; you can get the combo points instead if you combine it with next week’s task)

  • 6 points for meeting a single LC participant DC, with another 6 points if you meet two or more
  • 3 points if at least one of those LC DCs attempts the task in your dream, with another 3 points if he/she manages it
    Siiw held the crystal in her original dream, which would count as an object to keep on your person to use its power. As a condition on this wasn’t set in the group notebook, know that if you want points from the “empowering” object category instead, you could perhaps pull the crystal’s power into you and discard the crystal, or perhaps absorb or consume the crystal in some way. Use it in the way that fits the points you want or need.

Today’s randomly generated goal:
<James_UK2008> !ideaLC
LC participants, in your next LD, you should swap voices with a DC while in a toilet and in the form of a spider!

but spiders don’t have voices :cool_raz:
Siiw, then I guess the other person becomes mute while you gain a voice :razz:

One of these days, the script will spit out something reasonable. In the meantime, if you manage this task tonight, you get 30 points. :tongue:

I haven’t been lucid at all since the challenge started, but I was able to fly when I held a big piece of wood in my dream last night.

I always just attack people. They can fight back if they wish, if not they will get beaten. :razz:

No replacement, just gonna keep fighting. I am sure the next person will put up more of a fight than a naked girl… gonna try not using dream powers as well. If I finish it too quickly again I will have to find a harder goal. I have literally never beat some in a fight before like that. Normally teleport them away or age them backwards or forwards. Hukif warned me of the latter though, and that they might get really strong if I age them, they might just be at a very weak age.

Siiw, I think it’ll be hard to pull a log out of nowhere for repeating points for held objects, but congrats on getting the task done in an NLD! There’s always points for empowering objects, anyway, and you now have the group incubation for points too. :tongue:

BrandonBoss, that’s fine. Remember that you can try one more personal goal for 25 points; just tell me what it is before you do it, and I’ll update the sign-up sheet with it.

Scores are updated.