Lucidity Challenge 48 - Task 3 - VampireVolfGame

^ So it’s ADA… got it… now to beat you at your own game! :sly: I was actually getting back into ADA a bit last night since I had four hours of near silence while proctoring a standardized test, but the most dream-like thing that happened this morning actually turned out to be real. :razz: I can relate to games seeping into dreams, too, as I’ve had more magic in my dreams than ever since getting back into Pathfinder (or D&D 3.75, if we really have to call it that).

That said, I’m not dejected or anything. It’s more that I really want to focus on the cyborg stuff even though my personal goal of hulking out (but hopefully not getting attacked by your old personal goal self) or doing the Monthly Quest would be worth more. Speaking of that, I’ll totally act against my own best interests and make a suggestion for you that’ll get you more points! Instead of making shrinking a 25-point secondary personal goal, why not set a different goal but get 75 points for appropriate shrinking in the Quest? I highly approve of any TF, even just changing size, so I felt the need to assist a fellow shapeshifter. :tongue: I don’t know of any April Quest designs, either, so it seems like the current Quest will stick around for a bit and give you the time to do it. EDIT: Figures that somebody had a Quest idea and it became a published Quest in record time. Yay for foot-in-mouth syndrome! Ignore me; I’m unlucky. :smile:

Oh, right, I need to post about possible points and not just use this topic for conversation. I see that “hack other technology” does not allow simply driving a car or using a computer and needs to be done with my mind or cyber technology. If my dream self was making adjustments to my Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ROM hack without being at a computer (e.g., it was mental power alone), does that count, or does the hacking need to be more malicious? The relevant dream is posted here.