Week 1 - Pandora
A little introduction…
[spoiler]You awake in utter darkness. Around you are the sounds of other people already moving around.
“Wait… I think I’ve found a…” Someone says.
There is a click, and suddenly the floor gives way and dumps you all unceremoniously out of the darkness onto grass covered ground. In the sudden bright light you can see the underside of a space ship above you. Lying on the grass around you are several other confused looking people. Someone is whistling.
Wondering where that whistling is coming from you start to look around. You spot a tall, skinny guy in a leather jacket. He is strolling off towards the tree line, glances back, sees you all and does a double take.
“Er, what are you…? Oh, right, the lucid challenge… er. Right then. Okay. Well, I’m Obfusc8. Hi.”
Suddenly an arrow whistles past Obfusc8’s head and thunks into the space ship. To your surprise, the ship makes a mechanical squeal of pain. It then shrinks down and transforms into a speeder bike before shooting off into the forest, leaving you all feeling exposed in this grassy clearing.
Looking at where the arrow came from you can see the tree line is bristling with tall, blue skinned aliens brandishing bows, spears and other sharp looking weapons. The ground starts rumbling and the noise of machinery can be heard. From the other side of the clearing several large mech suits stomp out of the tree line. They are accompanied by massive tanks that smash down the trees caught in their path.
“I’ll get the ship… you folks deal with-” Obfusc8 gestures at the two opposing forces lining up for a fight. “…this!” Then he sprints off into the forest following the path the speeder bike took. You look around at the other challengers, wondering who is going to make the first move.
Welcome to Pandora!
Visit a planet or moon other than Earth 10pts
-The planet or moon is deserted +10pts
-The planet or moon has aliens living there +10pts
See people in military uniforms (I will accept sci-fi themed uniforms from TV/films e.g. Starfleet, even if they aren’t technically military.) 20pts
[color=red]Find a rare or expensive element or substance (‘unobtainium’, diamonds, gold, uranium) 20pts
-use the element in some way, melt it, cut it, make something from it, eat it, what happens? +30pts
Change your skin colour to something non-human (blue/purple/green etc) 20pts
-Grow a tail +30pts
Ride in a flying vehicle or space craft (dust off your LC50 hovergear if you like) 20pts
-Pilot the vehicle +30pts
-Perform an aerial stunt +20pts
Control a mech suit or heavy machinery (digger, tank, stuff like that) 30pts
-Lift or smash something heavy +20pts
Explore a forest or jungle 20pts
-Forest parkour: Free run through a forest, using branches, vines and plants. Try swinging from vines. Tarzan impressions optional. +30pts
See a colossal tree (not just any scrawny little tree, a big old one, bigger than a building at least!) 20pts
-Talk to the tree, meditate, pray or sit in quiet contemplation under it. Will it talk back? What insight will it give? +30pts
Talk to an animal/beast (this task doesn’t require a conversation, it doesn’t have to talk back to you) 20pts
-use telepathy to join with the animal’s mind. What is it thinking? +30pts
-control/direct the animal +20pts
Hold a ‘traditional’ weapon e.g. sword, bow and arrow, axe, spear, etc 30pts
-hit something/fire the weapon +20pts
Ignore the fact that some tasks are red and some green, all tasks are worth the listed points.