Nice experience - definitely try it again, who knows what can happen next time ?
Had a normal dream here this morning and would like a claim several points for Week 5:
- Be in outer space
- Without equipment (when standing on star, I don’t recall wearing space orientated equipment.)
- See Earth or Moon.
- Touch Sun/Star
Medium LD this morning (2-4 Minutes)
I jumped some 10 meters high went invisible through a wall
I created a fireball (didn t throw it)
I felt a texuture
Feel temperature (some metal I was holding and wind)
I entered a space ship where I was the captain,
I had a crew
I saw an alien
(combo + early bonus week 5)
Congrats on the nice lucid Koal !
I also awarded you task points for “Wear costume” and “Change from normal clothes” (wk2)
Last two dreaming nights for this LC ! And many people having similar scores !
Really exciting Challenge, in my view
Well, i’m about to fall asleep on my floor fro the last time this LC.
(Final designs for my new sleep system are being drawn tomorrow!)
Lucid dream, medium duration (3 minutes) in which there is a fire. No tasks done, but I’ll claim the points for the lucid.
This was, in part, an experiment to see if I can smell smoke in dreams (smoke seems to feature in a lot of other peoples’ dreams with a sense of smell). I couldn’t. I also tried - and failed - to do a better attempt at the transformation task.
The challenge has finally ended !
Any dream you have beyond this post will no longer contribute to your score
However, I’ll leave one day more, for adding DJ entries and/or claiming points for dreams experienced before this post
Great job everyone !
Non-lucid dream, from the night before the challenge ended.
I claim points for
- Smell something
- It’s a good odour
- Visit a museum
- See a painting
The previous lucid dream possibly also counts for “save people” while lucid, if you count my toy animal as “people”. I think he counts as people; he’d sort of come to life like he was real in the dream.
I need to sleep, but I haven’t finnished my DJ, so I will simply claim the following tasks please.
All non-lucid:
smeel something
smell good smell
hear music
visit my secret place
would my work uniform count as a costume? haha
Also, my
Be in a desert
task was completed while lucid
I’ve taken all above posts into account
Susan, I agree saving your toy counts as “Save people”
I’ll just leave few more hours
Dear LC participants, I am happy to announce:
[center][b][color=blue][size=150]LC56 Winner:
MearaDelia !!! [/size][/color][/b][/center]
Congratulations ! (:>
Final scores:
1. MearaDelia 850
2. Obfusc8 770
3. DTDownUnder 670
4. Susan_Y 425
5. Koal44 420
6. Letaali 325
7. SpaceRace 270
8. James_UK2008 255
9. 9spaceking 0
9. Arial 0
It was an exciting LC, with many people in a narrow range of scores
I hope you all had fun in pursuing those tasks !
Special thanks to Obufsc8 for taking a high difficulty setting and keeping this LC fair and well-balanced !
I think I may follow your difficulty setting in future LCs
MearaDelia, as the LC winner, you have the option of hosting LC 57
Your beautiful presentation with my picture and the smileys made my day haha
I feel so happy and honestly at the same time also uncomfortable for winning, because Im the newbie here and didnt view myself as an experienced dreamer. But then im also really grateful for that because it was a good eye opener and an oppurtinity for personal growth
And im really amazed what the challenge did for my lucid dreaming, too.
So much thanks to all of you guys for hosting and taking part in the challenge! Im so happy this exists!
And I would love to host the next challenge how does that work? Is there a guide i can follow, or should i just try to copy what Ive seen you do?
There is no guide that I am aware of
Just do your best, the environment here is super-friendly and we all do this for fun and motivation
Congratulations again and thanks for taking up the challenge of hosting - I opted out when I first won an LC because I felt absolutely clueless
Congratulations MearaDelia! And thanks for hosting GenghisKhan.
I’d recommend reading through some of the (recent) previous challenges to get a feel for how these things are run. There are links to all the previous challenges in the first post of this topic. If you have any questions, then you could PM me or any of the previous hosts and I’m sure they would be happy to help you out. Good luck.
Okay thanks
Ive got a lotof ideas for the tasks and themes already!
Great ! Count me in
Is there an easy way to copy the hidden message with the links to all the previous challenges? (I mean, including the BBCode so I don’t have to link everything again manually xD)