I see no problem. First: if you wrote a DJ then it’s considered an ND. In this challenge, fragments are unclear dreams that cannot even be recorded.
I don’t see any trouble in claiming playing card and dream of. But you need to confirm. Thanks!
It’s in my DJ and I confirm that I am claiming for a playing card sighting.
ahh I call very short NDs fragments, so thanks for clearing that up.
Thanks AreYouMe. It sounded like you did post the ND before and then added a DJ.
I prefer that you keep everything in a single post to make it easier to verify, like you did.
So… due to the LC considering any bits of recorded dream as an NLD… what I consider a fragment (very small bits of dream that are recallable and clarifiable, but don’t really tell much) is considered an NLD and I get points for it… So… I go from 3 dreams to 4 dreams.
Also… I did a couple tasks! In an NLD! Yay! (To clarify, I’m claiming finding my trapped friend in the icy structure and making the DCs laugh near the incinerator in my “Valuable LEGOs” dream.)
Quickly posting from phone, because I just noticed on my Score page, I didn’t get any points for dream art? I thought this was like 6 points, but it says 0? (Also the dream art subtask page doesn’t load and asks you to log in).
And also, I understand your reply to my post, thanks. I’ll take and own Information, the blue subtask. Thanks
Will post dreams when at a computer.
Edit: nvm, I am blind and missed it. But it doesn’t list that I got points from Lia’s RCILD even though they’re counted in the total.
Sunday 23rd July
1 normal dream - task done - change emotion of DC. (Many different emotions were experienced/switched to by both myself and the people in that dream, so I hope one of them will count for the task.)
Monday 24th July
1 normal dream - task done - ride a bicycle
I hope it is okay to do two nights in one post? Should I have done them separately?
At this point, I’d be surprised if anyone had a dream without doing any of the tasks . In all seriousness though, I think that’s the point: since there has been quite the decrease in points garnered from having a ND, having these subtasks gives us noobs (or in my case relative noob that knew about LDing but never took it seriously enough ) a chance to compete, even if it’s among ourselves; Plus, it gives us incentive to unlock early for some strategic choice of subtask.
Tggtt could we have a simple list of all unlocked tasks/subtasks. So we can view them easily without going through multiple screens offsite or clicking multiple spoiler tags to view unlocked and locked sub tasks with large card images?
One ND today, in which I met a family of DCs and saw an aeroplane (ish). I also drew another map (and eyeball).
I also want to unlock the Information Subtask as stated in my previous post. Thanks.
Also, I completely agree with Moogle that we need a better list for being able to read all the subtasks that are open. Just a plain text list would be helpful.
Week 1 Stats so Far:
24th July - 1 ND / DJ entry, Pen Subtask, Change Emotion of DC Subtask + Dream Art (Drawing)
25th July - 1 ND / DJ entry, Aeroplane Subtask, Meet Family of DCs Subtask + Dream Art (Drawing)
Edit: Cornelia said since I dreamt of something like S.H.E.I.L.D’s Helicarrier, it counts as a helicopter not an aeroplane. (Because it flies like a helicopter). So if this counts as the helicopter subtask instead, please count it as that.
FLDs are NDs here. However we also have an RC-ND category that includes NDs with failed RCs. I tried to search for RCs in your latest dreams but I found nothing. Please notify me if you did.
I had my longest and most vivid lucid dream as of yet Holy cow it was surreal . Anyway, in the LD I tried my personal goal and gotten some progress done (didn’t succeed but hey…). I Will be posting the LD and the DJ entry later. Looks like the LC was the motivational leap of faith I needed
Edit: I’m sorry Tggtt, I know you like things organized into one post it’s just the excitement (just woke up from dream).