Lucidity Challenge 60: Special Awards Ceremony

Well, it’s the day of the big race! You and the other participants are standing at the shore of an enormous lake, ready to race on the water! Ready to use your speed! A big crowd of DCs is gathered here as well, ready to cheer you on… although a faster-than-light-speed race might be a bit difficult to spectate! Some participants are using speed boats, others are using hovercrafts. One participant seems to be using a normal car, while another seems like they’re just going to swim it! It does make sense… since you’re all lucid dreamers, the vehicle doesn’t really matter that much… it’s mainly just for the fun. Even Mew got into the spirit and is wearing a special racing jumpsuit with a cute pink design!

…Wait… Mew is here?! Mew approaches the main area where the racers are gathered and starts speaking, staring down at a stack of papers. “Alright folks, I know you want to have fun, but well, unfortunately for you, all the plans are to be changed.” The crowd of DCs starts booing. “Relax, everyone, we’ll still be having plenty of fun. In fact, I’m not even going to mention all that economics stuff this time, I swear! Because I have word directly from higher up!” Mew pulls out some kind of strange projection device and turns it on. Suddenly a holographic Tggtt appears from the machine (Tggtt Ex Machina)!

“Greetings everyone”, Tggtt says, “I am your host for Lucidity Challenge 60!” You try to back away and just start the race already, but you find that this weird machine Mew is using has frozen you. It’s as if you’re glued to the spot! “I see that Mew has not done a great job keeping track of you all,” he says while Mew shrinks away, “but fortunately we are working to fix the situation! Task 3 will be starting today, and we hope everyone enjoys it.” There’s an awkward pause as Tggtt stares at Mew. After a few seconds, Mew begins reading off the paper: “TASK 3 will focus on the exciting concept of academia. Learn things! Become intellegent! Grade papers! Everyone loves having school dreams, especially that one dream where you forget you had a test and are completely unprepared! Well, I think all of you and PROFESSOR TGGTT will love this task!” Mew starts walking toward Tggtt but suddenly freezes.

The Tggtt hologram speaks up, “Mew, I am indeed grateful to you. You have served me well. Loyalty such as yours shall not go unrewarded, but for now, I am going to take over direction for this week’s task… since you have failed to deliver even one task to this group of participants so far.” Mew struggles to move with the rest of you and looks up at Tggtt. “Uh, hey, Tggtt… I’m frozen too! What’s the deal? How do you even stop these lucid dreamers with this machine anyway… is it… some kind of audio-vibrato-physio-molecular transport device?” Professor Tggtt responds, “Yest, it is a device which is capable of breaking down solid matter and then projecting it through space and, who knows, perhaps even time itself! Anyway everyone, it is almost time for class to start, at the Academy of Dreaming!” And with that, you see a big flash as the strange device that was projecting Tggtt earlier now teleports you and all the others to some kind of weird school…

What will happen to the lucid dreamers now? Where are they being transported to? What is this “Academy of Dreaming”, and more importantly, what architectual design philosophies does such an academy represent? And what will happen to poor, beautiful, intellegent, and very charismatic Mew? Should the lucid dreamers take advantage of dream studies or try to run from this ambush (and student loans!)? Only time, and maybe the dreamocracy, will tell!