Lucidity Challenge 61 - Winner: Obfusc8

Nice stuff going on ! :smile:

Sorry that unfortunately I haven’t yet found the time to fix the shared tasks score, but trust me that I will :smile:

All the inputs from the above posts have been taken into account

[color=blue][size=150]Scoreboard is updated[/size][/color]

Full list of open tasks :

ND including a car:

Non-lucid dream in which I play percussion in an industrial music band. (The style of music was like Rammstein but I don’t think it was one of their songs).

I claim the points for the hearing music task.

P.S. This was the proverbial “garage band” that rehearses in a garage. I don’t think it’s usual for the drummer to whack the garage door with a mallet during the loud bits, but whatever… (I suppose I could try recording myself doing that for real, once, and load the sample into a drum synth).

Lucid dream, medium duration (about 2 minutes), in which I am on the beach with a dream character. Some details have been snipped…

No tasks done, but I’ll claim the points for a lucid dream.

Another non-lucid dream that wasn’t interesting enough for me to write up in full included Peter the Anteater, the mascot of University of California at Irvine. Anteaters aren’t even on the list of locked tasks, but he does have an emoji. No points.

I have been pretty slack lately, so I haven’t actually tried to dream for over a week.
But I did have a skydiving dream, and I think I can claim a few points from that.

I obviously saw a plane, as I jumped out of one.
I saw the ocean while in free-fall
There was music playing in the plane before I jumped.

From 29/11/2017 I have one non-lucid dream to report. (Bundled with last night’s DJ entry.)

Last night I had a WILD/DEILD chain. Not sure if it counts as one long LD or a set of shorter ones, or if there are chaining rules in the scoring anymore? (Back in past LCs we had a couple of people who were really good at DEILD, so they changed the scoring for chains to be one long LD to keep things fair points wise.) Task completions - invite DC to a party, see a wooded area. Think that’s it. There probably were cars in the street, but I don’t recall noticing them.

Had 2 NDs here this morning. No tasks complete. Am I correct in assuming that unlocked tasks can only be claimed once? (Can’t tell the difference between accumulative and non accumulative tasks.)

@Selkie, @Susan, @DTDownUnder, claims noted

Sorry I had not considered adding a specific rule about DEILD chains, but I think counting a chain as one (albeit long) LD is the fairest option
Claims noted

That’s right. Any task can be claimed only once
(Accumulative = can be claimed multiple times, e.g. DJ entry
Non-accumulative = can be claimed only once for the duration of LC61)
It should be specified somewhere in the Scoring details section of opening post

[color=blue]Note: [/color] I have fixed all of the subtasks’ owners scoring according to opening post - Thanks again Eilatan for highlighting it !

All the inputs from the above posts have been taken into account

[color=blue][size=150]Scoreboard is updated[/size][/color]

Full list of open tasks :

Last night’s dreams

-DJ entry
-Body of water (if I can claim that again)
-Waterfalls (magical waterfalls falling over a massive, ancient statue of a woman resting)
-Forest (The statue was in the middle of an old forest. It was a coniferous forest filled with moss.)
-Turn music on (A DC offered me her headphones. I heard an electronic song called “Hey Wolf” Very energetic music. I liked it.)

Just a non-DJ-entry-worthy fragment last night, but I was in a car.

SPOILER - Click to view

I am in the rear left seat of a car with black seats and red trim on the doors. It is hot and stuffy, so I press the button to open the window. However, this lowers all of the windows in the car at the same time. They are all linked. The driver, an unfamiliar woman, complains about the cold air and promptly shuts all the windows again. I roll my eyes but keep quiet and stare out of the window. We are passing through a small town.

Link to today’s dj entry

One ND - House Guests - no tasks / sub tasks completed

Just one ND here this morning. No tasks/subtasks.

I had a single dream.

The theme of planting and watering flowers is still strong. I just need an alien planet to do this on.

Nice competition and claims so far !
Also, some very entertaining dreams to read ! (just to say, my recall has improved thanks to that - amazing…)

All the inputs from the above posts have been taken into account

1) We remind you that Saturday is a very special day for LC61! :content:
Tomorrow we are going to: * Wrap up end of Week 1 scoring

  • Publish Week 2 tasks
  • Allow tasks unlock ! (participants who have completed at least one task during Week 1)

Stay tuned !

2) I will be travelling a lot along the next two weeks - our co-host Koal44 will take the lead in updating LC61 :smile:

[color=blue][size=150]Scoreboard is updated[/size][/color]

Full list of open tasks :

Just one ND here this morning. No tasks completed.

Non-lucid dream in which I interview a woman who is associated with Julian Assange. I think this doesn’t count for last month’s quest because (a) I wasn’t lucid (b) we’re now on December’s quest.

I had two dreams.

I saw the sea again. :cool:

All the inputs from the above posts have been taken into account

Very soon we will be posting Week 2 tasks and open up unlocks - stay tuned :happy:

[color=blue][size=150]Scoreboard is updated[/size][/color]

LC61 scores at end of Week 1:

1st Susan_Y 110
2nd Obfusc8 105
3rd Selkie 73.5
4th moogle 70
5th Letaali 69
6th DTDownUnder 42.5
7th James_UK2008 32.5
8th Siiw 30.5
9th Qu 27
10th Majah 10
11th Eilatan 7
12th LucidWilliam 0

I hope participants have enjoyed it so far :smile:

[color=blue][size=150]Task unlocks:[/size][/color]
Based on unlock rule

the following LC61 participants are granted [color=blue]one[/color] task unlock within one day from this post:

  • Susan_Y
  • Obfusc8
  • Selkie
  • moogle
  • Letaali
  • DTDownUnder
  • James_UK2008
  • Siiw
  • Qu

The valid unlock tasks list has been extended !

[spoiler]Objects (see a… - # of pts)
âš½ Ball - 5
💻 🔓 Computer - 5
📱 Phone - 5
💺 🔓 Chair/Seat - 5
ðŸ“￾ Table - 5
💡 Lamp/bulb - 5
🖊ï¸￾ 🔓 Pen/pencil - 7
ðŸ“￾ Stapler - 7
🖼ï¸￾ 🔓 Painting - 7
ðŸ￾… Medal - 10
🖼ï¸￾ 🔓 Mirror - 10
ðŸ￾º Beer - 5
🔨 Hammer - 5
ðŸ￾¨ Ice cream - 7

🚗 🔓 Car - 5
🚢 Ship - 5
✈ï¸￾ 🔓 Airplane - 5
🚆 Train - 5
🛴 Kick scooter - 7
🚲 Bicycle - 7
ðŸš￾ Helicopter - 7
📌 Excavator - 10
ðŸ￾￾ï¸￾ Sidecar - 10
🚇 Subway - 5
🚜 Tractor - 7

ðŸ￾ˆ Cat - 5
ðŸ￾• Dog - 5
🦎 Lizard/Gecko - 5
ðŸ￾œ Insect/Spider - 5
🦋 Butterfly - 5
ðŸ￾Ž Horse - 5
ðŸ￾‘ Sheep/goat - 5
🦅 Eagle - 5
ðŸ￾￾ Snake - 5
ðŸ￾¼ Panda - 7
ðŸ￾Š Crocodile - 7
ðŸ¦￾ Rhinoceros - 7
ðŸ￾… Tiger - 7
ðŸ￾’ Sloth - 7
ðŸ￾˜ Elephant - 7
🦌 Gazelle - 10
ðŸ￾¨ Koala - 10
ðŸ￾” Chicken/Rooster - 5
ðŸ￾– Pig - 5
🦌 Deer/Elk/Moose - 7
ðŸ￾œ Anteater - 10

👨â€￾🔧 Mechanic - 5
👨â€￾🌾 Gardener - 5
👨â€￾ðŸ￾³ Cook/chef - 5
👩â€￾ðŸ￾³ Waiter - 5
💇 Hairdresser - 7
👩â€￾🎤 Singer/instrument player - 7
👨ðŸ￾￾ Beekeeper - 10
👨â€￾👩â€￾👧â€￾👦 Father/Mother/Sister/Brother - 5
👨â€￾🚀 Spaceman - 7

🌳 🔓 Park/woods/forest - 5
⛪ Church/temple - 5
🌆 City/town - 5
🌊 🔓 Water body - 5 (River/lake/sea/ocean)
ðŸ￾° Castle - 7
ðŸ￾”ï¸￾ Cave - 7
🎡 Theme park/luna park - 7
🌋 Volcano - 10
💧 🔓 Waterfalls - 10
🗼 Paris - 5
🇮🇹 Rome - 5
🗽 New York - 5
🌉 San Francisco - 5
🇧🇷 Rio de Janeiro - 5
🇯🇵 🔓 Tokyo - 5
🇨🇳 Beijing - 5
🇪🇬 Il Cairo - 5
🌉 Bridge - 5
ðŸ￾¬ Mall - 5
🚗 Garage - 5

[color=blue][size=150]Week 1 - Prepare LD4ALL party !
All Week 1 tasks remain valid ![/size][/color]

  • ✉ï¸￾ Invite someone to a party +20 pts (or dance. You can do it by a phone message, a letter, face to face, …)
  • 🎈 Decorate house for the party +20 pts (balloons, candles, garlands, … how will you do it ?)
  • ðŸ￾° Bring food and beverages to the party +30 pts (you need to enter a building having some food or beverage with you)
  • 📻 Turn music on +30 pts (hear any kind of music)
  • ðŸ￾ Clean the house for your guests +20 pts (clean the way you want, just let it shine!)
  • 🔑 Put a box for key +20pts(Don’t let people go back home driving if they had alcohol!)

[color=blue][size=150]Week 2 - LD4ALL Costume party ![/size][/color]

Friends are here, the house is wonderfully decorated, we’ve got plenty of food and drinks !
Now it’s time to wear costumes and have fun !

  • 👗 Wear a costume of any kind inside a house +20 pts

  • 👸 Dress as a princess +20 pts

    • 💋 Subtask: kiss or get kissed by a DC +10 pts
  • 💪 Dress as a superhero +20 pts

    • 🔥 Subtask: use a super-dream-hero-power +10 pts (power has to be linked to the costume you are wearing; e.g. Spider-man webs, Hulk super-strength, etc. if you are a generic superhero, any dream power will do)
  • ðŸ￾´â€￾☠ï¸￾ Dress as a Pirate +20 pts

    • ðŸ￾º Subtask: have an alcoholic drink +10 pts
  • 👨â€￾👧 While wearing a costume, interact with at least two more DC’s wearing costumes +30 pts

    • ðŸ¤￾ Subtask: At least one of the DC’s is a person you know in real life +10pts

See a… - # of pts
🖼ï¸￾ Mirror - 10
🖼ï¸￾ Painting - 7
🖊ï¸￾ Pen/pencil - 7
💧 Waterfalls - 10
💺 Chair/Seat - 5
🇯🇵 Tokyo - 5
🌳 Park/woods/forest - 5
💻 Computer - 5
🌊 Water body - 5 (River/lake/sea/ocean)
✈ï¸￾ Airplane - 5
🚗 Car - 5