I hoped that I could see the task before sleeping but I can’t stay and watch this topic forever I will just try the last task
Scores after task 3
- 185 - Writerscube +30 ( + 30 lucid points )
- 90 - Ansie
- 80 - wnvoss
- 80 - Ysim
- 30 - NeoMarine
- 10 - hunaynay
- 0 - ThePromethean
- 0 - Wissam
- 0 - Sevenfold
- 0 - antec-rex
Task 4 of 7
Go through a wall
o Find a wall: 5 points
o Try to go through but fail: 5 points
o Try to go through and succeed: 25 points
o End up on the other side of the wall: 10 points
o Try how it feels when you stick your hand into the wall: 15 bonus points
You have until Monday, 10th September, 17:30 to complete this task and post your dreams in this thread.
With this task you can earn maximal 40 points, 85 points with lucid and bonus points added.
If you have any questions to this task, please post here.
Good luck!
Ooo! I think I can do this one Well, at least I’ve done it before.
I’ve had incredible bad luck this last week - my recall has been terrible, and I havent had an LD in almost a month (if you consider my last one a LD)
Luckily I get to sleep in tomorrow, so i hope my subconscious will lead me through a wall
I awoke and later remembered my Lucid Dream! I was in this arena thing and all of a sudden this girl came up to me ~ I was thinking she looked kind of strange and then realized it was a dream. I walked away and became invisible and had fun walking around for a little while until I suppose I lost my Lucidity ~ I was Lucid for around 35 seconds (it felt like that anyway).
Nothing happened in relation to the task ~ which is because it was posted late, sadly.
I did the Joke quest, or I nearly did it.
I’m in some sort of story. In that story I come back to the place I started. My sister tells me that i did it wrong. I should be back at the same place. I go to sleep by jumping of something. I’m convinced that I’m asleep. I just need to check it. I use my hand. I realise that I have 5 fingers and that they look weird. I try to fly but I realise that I have a task to do. I talk to a girl I ask her: Vertel mij eens een grap (Tell me a joke.) She saids nee (no). I ask again in english. But she walks away. I try asking a guy. He responds more nicely. He tells me something. Then I wake up. I wamt to post my dream on this forum so I get on my pc. My sisters pc is broken. So she has a new one next to mine.
I can’t remember the answer and it probably didn’t make any sence. I suppose that my subconsious can’t make joke on command. Neither can I.
I should be able to go through a wall. I did it before. I just need to get lucid and I have only one night due to the delay
Last night’s LD was a visit to my First DreamWorld.
The Objective: To complete the fourth task of the Lucid Challenge.
After falling through the sky, descending towards the First Capital, I landed myself just outside of the Eastern Walls.
I figured it’d be the best place to try completing the fourth task of the Lucid Challenge!!
With a thought, a dash of focus, and some consideration about what it might be like if I got stuck in there, I walked straight into the wall and began melting through it.
Without my battle armor on, the wall felt grainy yet smooth, cold but stuffy, and very dark.
It took me half a minute to emerge from the other side. The results–I was still in one piece, and two DreamWorld Army troopers were staring at me from their table game of cards. I gave them a casual wave and walked off towards the Eastern Gate.
I spent the rest of the time exploring the city’s Entertainment District.
After that, I woke myself up.
Okay, all of yesterday I was gone on a camping trip in the Hood Canal. After I arrived there, I realized that I wouldn’t have time to post a lucid dream in this topic (if I had one). Well, it turned out I did!
I was standing on my driveway on a sunny afternoon. There were various people walking around on the driveway. It was then that I realized that I was dreaming! I saw a lady who looked to be about 30. She was with her husband. I tapped her on the shoulder, and said, “Hey, tell me a joke!”. She turned around and after thinking for a second, said, “Bellevue” (a city near where I live), while giggling. I don’t remember much after this.
I had this dream on Friday night, but I’m not sure if I’ll get the points for doing the quest within the alloted time, even though I wasn’t able to post it until today. Whatever you want, bravsein.
Nope, just a crazy dream about zombies.
I was in a department store, so I suppose that counts for walls. I started in the store, I think it is the one where I work, and zombies started coming out of everywhere. So I started naturally killing them with stuff. I would be crazy scared of a zombie horde if it were actually to go after me, but like most of the time when I dream, I ‘know its a dream’ but don’t actually realize it so there was no fear. However I ran from them and left the store, hiding in a car and then in a tree (zombies apparently can’t climb.)
I can’t remember much more, I took terrible notes in my DJ.
I did the Wall task
Wall/Car/Chronicles 10/09/07
We are spying on a man. He sees us and tries to follow us. We are hiding in the forest. He is coming near us and we are truing to hide. Then I am in his room. I hear someone coming. I think that it is a friend so I ask who is there? It is the man! He says: nobody because I’m alone here. I try to get away without makiing any sound. The man says: But who was asking that when I was alone? he is looking for me. I’m surpised that I’m not making any sound on the stairs. That is because I’m walking with my hands. It is too easy. I must be dreaming. I fly from the stairs. I want to go through the door without opening in but I remembered the task. I went through the wall. First my hand. It felt like chewing gum. Then the rest of my body. The first didn’t work but when I told myself that it would work if I believed, it worked. It was very bright outside. I saw a nice street with a lot of sunshine, grass and cars. I decided to do the Quest. I treid making myslef a car. First time I just crawled on the ground. The second time I was able to ride. I saw a car with LD4all members (I remember PasQual and Magnus but I haven’t really see them. I just knew they were there.) I wanted to meet the chronicle. I didn’t go the island but I just screamed Chronicles! someone pointed to a direction. I saw someone walking away. I drove to that place and I saw a group of people. I asked them if they were the chronicles. We had to compare shoes. Mine were much bigger and more grey then the rest of the shoes. They were giving away the first foto where you are on. Ours (my boyfriend was suddenly there, I was not so lucid anymore.) wasn’t there.
Scores after task 4
- 265 - Ansie +175 ( + 60 lucid points + 90 task points + 25 bonus points )
- 255 - Writerscube +70 ( + 30 lucid points + 40 task points )
- 170 - wnvoss +90 ( + 30 lucid points + 50 task points + 10 bonus points )
- 80 - Ysim
- 60 - NeoMarine +30 ( + 30 lucid points)
- 10 - hunaynay
- 0 - ThePromethean
- 0 - Wissam
- 0 - Sevenfold
- 0 - antec-rex
Task 5 of 7
Transform into an object/animal
o Try to transform but it doesn’t work: 10 points
o Try to transform but it only works a bit: 25 points
o Successfully transform into an object/animal: 45 points
o Try out your new skills, if you have some (like when you are a bird fly around): 25 bonus points
You have until Wednesday, 12th September, 17:30 to complete this task and post your dreams in this thread.
With this task you can earn maximal 45 points, 110 points with lucid and bonus points added.
If you have any questions to this task, please post here.
Again, good luck!
I’m on top
/me is running in circles
I never suspected to be on top. I just hoped that I wouldn’t be stuck with 0 points.
Edit: I have just done that taks I’ll have to do it again…
still nowt
Did a partial 4th task but too late to post. (went wrong anyway, ended up phasing through a window instead of the wall…)
I did the same
Do we still get lucid points? I know for a fact that my lucid dream was longer than 4 minutes …
I turned myself into a bird ^^
I’m in a submarine. Others are there too but they are in a different part. I can find out where they are when I follow the sound. I try not to make a sound myself. I think that I might be dreaming. I check it by looking at my hand. The number of fingers is rifht but my hand still looks weird. I go through the wall of the submarine. I’m above the sea. I thinking of myself as a bird. I turn into a brown bird with the size of a crow. I fly like a seagull. I glide on the wind.
Last night’s LD was a visit to a really plain dreamscape that I made from scratch.
The Objective: To complete the fifth task of the Lucid Challenge!
The dreamscape was a swooping valley with forests encircling the main area. The purpose of the trees though wasn’t for decoration or for pretty looks. They were standing targets!
Since the task was to transform into something and do stuff, I decided to change into a Blue Storm Dragon.
The feeling? Dizzying, warped, and downright itchy.
But what was fun about it was Lightning Breath!!
So I blew up a good number of trees with my lightning breath. And then I decided to try eating a tree. When you’re a towering dragon–these trees look like broccoli!! And they tasted like broccoli too.
Then I decided to try transforming again!
With some thought and some focus, my form began to change again. The same feeling came about. I had become a bipedal Mech from Armored Core 2!!
Oh was that fun
I tested out plasma rifles, rocket launchers, overdrive boosters , flying, running, tripping and falling, and soon I was out of stationary targets. Bugger.
So I grew more–not trees, but Unmanned Mechs to blow up!
Forty mechs fell to my Armored Core Awesomeness!
And then I was out of ammo, missing a right arm, and my left leg had just about fallen off too.
So after having my fun, I transformed back into my human form.
I then summoned a chair, a table, a cup, and a pot of Earl Grey tea
After that I woke myself up.
Scores after task 5
- 415 - Ansie +150 ( + 30 lucid points + 85 task points + 35 bonus points )
- 385 - Writerscube +130 ( + 30 lucid points + 65 task points + 35 bonus points)
- 170 - wnvoss
- 80 - Ysim
- 60 - NeoMarine
- 30 - Wissam +30 ( + 30 lucid points)
- 10 - hunaynay
- 0 - ThePromethean
- 0 - Sevenfold
- 0 - antec-rex
Wooh - it looks like this LC will end in a neck-and-neck race!
Task 6 of 7
Jump into a book and be part of it’s story
o Find a book: 5 points
o Read the book: 15 points
o Try to jump into the book: 10 points
o Successfully jump into the book: 30 points
o End up in it’s story and become part of it: 40 points
You have until Friday, 14th September, 17:30 to complete this task and post your dreams in this thread.
With this task you can earn maximal 100 points, 140 points with lucid and bonus points added.
If you have any questions to this task, please post here.
Have fun!
I can read in dreams ^^ So I should be able to do this…
No, only one day left . Must have lucid dream tonight, maybe I should try WILD again