think about all the people that ld all the time or even do it naturally without knowing anyother way. do they seem any more depressed? no infact i think its more the oppisite. they learn tehy can control thier dreams which is in teh head, whats to say that because of that they dont ralise they can control aspect of their life. i know a lot of depression can come from feelings of not having anycontrol.
i think that people who attack lucid dreaming in these ways do not agree with what is being done, and so will either make up, or highten the rare and bad to bring it all to its knees. but people like this will never win that fight. Lucid dremaing is taking off, and if i have anything to do with it will keep going that way, not the other way around.
Hm, LDing causes depression? After my most recent LD (very fast paced with multiple FAs), I woke up with this huge idiotic grin pasted on my face, even though I didn’t accomplish my goal of turning into Sephiroth and summoning a meteor onto New York City.
OK. Why not. But as the remaining is false, this information has still to be verified.
I really wonder where this guy found that “Lucid Dreaming is a collection of techniques which aim at stimulating and enhancing REM-sleep”. It’s the wrongest definition of LD’ing I’ve ever read. Lucid Dreaming doesn’t modify the sleep cycle. It doesn’t modify REM-sleep and it’s very hard to see a difference in EEG’s between a LD and a ND.
Children are very often natural LD’ers and I don’t find there are more depressive than adults people. And it’s quite incredible that a so-called occultist, who should be interested in consciousness, thinks that being more conscious may be bad for health!
Moreover, this guy probably doesn’t know anything about LD’ing cause if he did, he should know that LD’s generally last some minutes so that even if it could modify REM sleep (what it does not), it would be unnoticeable.
This previous wrong conclusion was build upon this personal wrong assumption. IMO, occultists are people whom strong will of power finds no reward in real life. That’s the reason why they are depressive. By the way most of them are not only depressive but paranoid, etc.
I was suffering from depression and using anti-depressants two years ago (Prozac). LD’ing didn’t vitiate the effects of medication.
Thus I think all this is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever read, what doesn’t surprise me cause it comes from an occultist.
What the hell? How can serotonin levels possibly be depleted by REM? It occurs naturally every single night you sleep, whether you remember the dream and LD or not.
By the way, thank you very much Amused Himself to Death for finding again the source of this information so that everybody can make his own opinion.
It definately seems that under a pseudo-scientific varnish, it’s not serious at all.
Lucid dreaming is natural…
well thay say u need tight sleeping rithyem and shit well
i never did that i don;t get them evry day but nif i take a fuw beers and go to sleep in athernoon i get them for 80%
ive been jumping up buildings upsideown fishing with my socks walking on my haird i don;t think it could kill you
You know, like Basilus says, thanks Amused Himself To Death for posting the link to that article. At first, I was reading saying to myself “WTF, Oh he has to post the link!” and when you did, I was like WTF is this guy talking about.
I don’t see any documentation of related facts. Where are the clinical results, where are the exact number of participants? what was their history?
IMO, I believe this man is making an assumption by the knowledge of Serotonin and what is out there on Lucid Dreaming.
I can see if Hollywood made a movie of someone who was so depressed and spent their lives sleeping but only to be lucid and experiencing something so great that they’d only want to sleep. But I don’t think that’s possible irl. Because the depressive state would be so big that they probably wouldn’t be able to go Lucid all the time.
that i dont, i have had some of my best lucid dreams when i have been depressed before bed. happy after tho
but then again i have also had some of my best when i have been in a great mood! i dontknow if depression would cause too too much of a contrib factor to it…imo
Well, I get vice-versa. I get depressed because it has been almost three months and I have had just a few and short lucid dreams.
Most of them I was tricked by the dream that it I had woken up already (by a false awakening).
Yet, today I can’t even remember my dreams…
Darn… at least I have still hopefully got hell lots of time but I still should make my LD more often soon…
It does kind of make sense, I mean your supposed to let things out in dreams, having a LD means yo actually controlling your dream, so doesn’t that mean that your subconscious can’t release all that it wants to release?