I think lucidity is a form of self hypnosis , im pretty sure any hypnosis person could say the same , and how could you possible know if your under hypnosis.??? Big question. Iv been asking myself from time to time when i saw a dvd in a shop ( how to become a lucid dreamer) after reading the dvd i was instantly sceptic, just thought id throw that one around the forum??

Why yes, I would agree that some or all methods of achieving lucid dreaming are indeed related to a form of self-hypnosis. Methods such as MILD, especially, would appear to be self-hypnosis.

r u serios or do u agree with all sceptics to avoid Argument, after all there’s only one person who knows the truth, and could u explain mild for me please , as simple as u can,iv a feeling this conversation is going to be a long one, in fact im not actually a sceptic, there’s just some things i need to know? I was waiting for someone to answer my first question with, don’t be stupid man i thought u said u ld or something like that, please understand if im not quite sure to belive u when u agree it might be self hypnosis?? Thank u, , i wait for you reply???

Have a look at the website --> There is a lot of information in both.

What things do you need to know? And can you elaborate on this.

“I was waiting for someone to answer my first question with, don’t be stupid man i thought u said u ld or something like that, please understand if im not quite sure to belive u when u agree it might be self hypnosis??”

Especially this part -> “please understand if im not quite sure to belive u when u agree it might be self hypnosis??”

Well I would be sceptical of any DVD or materials that involve the exchange of money and guaranteed LDs.

As for your question about MILD if you read the MILD FAQ ( link … 436#489436 ) you will see

So the slight hypnosis affect would only be related to the method and not the lucidity itself.

Also if you claim lucidity is self hypnosis based how would you explain the spontaneous LDs?

spontaneous LDs?
???please explain

Spontaneous lucid dreams is when you get a lucid dream without using any kind of technique to induce them. You have talked a lot about natural lucid dreamers. A natural lucid dreamer is a person who get lucid dreams without actively trying to, those LDs are spontaneous.

ru natural?

Being spontaneuos to u is ld, ld to u is self hypnosis, how do u know its spontaneous when you’ve hypnotized your self, you could self hypnosis your self to believing you can ld spontaneously, if that makes sense , i don’t call it ld, i call it ‘knowing’ non uniform f its self hypnosis, or no techniques and never has been, that’s why i said im a sceptic on your before not mine, to me no one can do what i do and those people who say theve become lucid through childhood dreams, im not quite sure,a dream to me is of pure emotion,full understand and pure knowledge. I never had them was a child , still on the fence about this, if you could explain a spontaneous ld to me with all your thoughts , and why you woke up in your dream i would appreciate it thank up…give me it in detail, im pretty sure you van remember your first one really really vividly,thanks

I’m sorry, I can’t read and understand this post. :sad: English isn’t my first language. Are you using a regional variant of English?

just explain your first spontaneous lucid dream with no techniques please

I apologize, but I can’t really interpret your posts, nattsy. Please break your post up into sentences, I’m bad with run-on sentence reading. :razz:
Lucid dreaming at the most basic level in NOT self-hypnosis. Some people might USE self-hypnosis to achieve lucid dreams, but you can get lucid dreams WITHOUT using any form of self-hypnosis. MILD is Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dreaming, when you repeat a mantra in your head while falling asleep. This is supposed to help you “remember” to get lucid, or trigger your subconscious to reproduce the mantra in the dream, causing you to pick up on it and become lucid.
Does that answer your questions? My apologies, again, if I am not getting my point across clearly.

Just to weigh in my thoughts…

Hypnosis (self induced or otherwise) is a different and distinct state of mind from that of dreaming. Some people may call them “levels on consciousness”, but I’d hesitate to do so, as it implies consciousness is a 1 dimensional scale, so I’ll stick to “states of mind”. Hypnosis, normal dreams, lucid dreams, meditative trances, deep sleep, awake, are all separate states of mind, each with their own characteristics. Some are more similar to other and can easily transition(eg: normal dreaming and lucid dreaming), and some are “farther apart”. So while (self) hypnosis can be USED to induce or initiate lucid dreams, a lucid dream is not in and of itself a state of hypnosis.

I read an interesting article on this subject matter some time ago. I’ll see if I can find it again.

no ones aswered my question yet— are u a natural??

If can spontaneously ld doesn’t that meen you a ‘natural’?

Locked. This discussion is going nowhere.