Mar 15th

/me yawns.

I thought I was about to sleep through it. Well, 12 1/2 hours to go from here.

Still waiting for the big boom

I feel bad for Japan right now not just because of the earthquake and tsunami stuff even though it was a whopping 8.9 on the richter scale but feel there unlucky with radiation related problems. Im pretty sure they were the only ones to ever be majorly nuked … twice. Nagasaki and Hiroshima if i spelled the right hopefully. we (and by we I mean America) had so many stockpiled and once we used them for the first time we as a nation were holy **** that didn’t end well for them and never used them. now they have leakage in there nuclear plants. Radiation takes a long time to go away and for any fallout players i will make a reference to rad-away which is a fictional thing. we only can just wait it out. we can take pills to resist it(potassium iodide i think) but once its there it there to stay for a long long time. oh and i have some of those pills because i live right next to a nuclear power plant in PA limerick :content:

And…nothing happened.

Who knew.

Yeah, I’m calling this one as a dud. Now I just have to wait until 01/01/13 to do the exact same thing.

Already 16th here, though I feel bad for what happened in Japan as well :sad:

dances around the bed singing: "I’m a survivor, I’m gonna make it, I will survive, Keep on survivin

I actually get tired off all these ‘doom dates’. It makes people negative :sad:

Not only that, it also shows once again how easily some people can be controled by fear.

Am I right kava? :tongue:

There’s no real need for it, but I promised, and I’m not someone to go back on my word:
:gni: hihi… ha… haha… :lmao: Whahaha!.. :lol: WHaaHAahha! :rofl: WHAHAHAHAAAAA! :ebil:

Yeah that’ll do. Anyway, welcome everyone to the wait for 21/12/12! Hope it’ll be a bit more exiting than yesterday. I was acutally disapointed: back on new years eve 2000 at least we had some good fireworks, but this was just boring. Didn’t even see no comet :sad:

Anyway conspiracy and nonsense forgotten, we mustn’t forget that something bad is actually going on in the real world (as if you could forget), which is not to be laughed at. Though I can’t help but see the irony; people freezing in the snow and wintercold while they can’t get a reactor to cool down… Anyway: they need help people! I think most of us are living in enough wealth to be able to give something so do!

Oh and just to clear things up:

You might want to reread your history, that’s not really how it went.