Martial Arts.

I was stiff on sunday after touch rugby coz i haven’t done any exercise for like months :razz:. Ill be dead.

It was good. Because there was only 5 of us there because of christams, he said we could do stuff we wanted. So the people who had been there more sugegsted a few things. We Did stick drills and exercises which was cool. We did trapping and then some punching to improve our weaker sides. I really enjoyed the trapping and seeing i was coupled with this 6ft muscle lad i think i did pretty well.

Glad you enjoyed your first class.

Yes you will find that grappling techniques will work well against anyone regardless of the size of your opponent.

Ye i really enjoyed it. I enjoy the close quarter range fighting most. It was funny when the Instructor was showing us what todo he was practising on a lad. He accidently hit him not hard but it was funny. This lad was like his puppet.

hmph, didn’t know that

anyway, glad your first class went well… i have a question for you. you said that they were teaching in close fighting. would you have happened to remember any of the drills you did being called “hubud” “lubud” or “chi sao” in close fighting sounds very wing chun-esque, and i’ve heard of some filipino martial arts doing chi sao which is a traditionally wing chun drill. that and the fact that you call your instructor “sifu” makes me think that the chinese art of wing chun art may have influenced kali

actually, i’m just talking out loud aren’t i? i should be bothering google instead of you :smile:

anyway, best of luck with your kali school

I completely missed that!

That is weird. When I studied Wado Ryu ( Filipino Karate) we referred to our instructor as sensi like Japanese styles.

Anyway, it would not surprise me if Kali was influence by Wing Chun. In the Filipino style I studied you could tell it was greatly influenced by Shotokan and Goju Ryu karate.

Also the ending Ryu is suspicions since the ending ryu is usually used in the Japanese styles. Could be that in the Philippines they do not have a style of their own and instead have adopted techniques form other styles.

i did some googling on kali, not too in depth but enough to satisfy my curiousity. it turns out that the history of kali and that of karate are eerily similar.

both were indigenous arts that were influenced by people moving in or passing through. both the philippines and okinawa (where modern day karate developed) went through a period of subjugation where weapons were outlawed. kali was traditionally a sword and/or spear art, but when weapons were outlawed, the people who still practiced it underground trained with rattan sticks

anyway, it spoke of chinese people coming to the philippines and that was enough to convince me that at least one of them coulda been a wing chun practitioner or at least knew some wing chun drills

one cool bit of kali history was that the portuguese explorer magellan and his men were killed by filipinos using kali when they tried to take over one of the islands.

what is it you need help with? I hav been into yoga since i was about 14 (pls dont ask me quite yet how old i am)There are several formal styles but usually u modify them to suit yor individual needs

I did judo for ages. I stopped going when my mums friend landed weirdly on his back. He couldnt get up or move his arms or legs. Thankfully he was ok after a while, but it was really scary.

It was fun throwing a blackbelt tho!

Second lesson done. (stopped for a bit over christmas wasn’t any lessons on).

We did some Phase 1 training (for me anyway) it was good. We finished on some grappling wqhich was ok i ddin’t love it too much.

Btw I can’t remember the drill names. I remember one started like pollo or puyo or something but no im still grasping it all. Oh we don’t call the intructor anything like sifu we call him Mel. :razz:

He asked me if i had done any karate because of the way i was kicking but i haven’t done any. Could this be a bad thing?

I don’t know. How were you kicking?

If you never have done any martial arts before, I’d definatly say that it’s a good thing. Many beginners wouldn’t have a chance at convincing their teacher that they’ve done similar stuff before.

and… hehe… yes. It is funny watching the teacher display techniques using another student as a puppet. Especially in grappling. (which can be very painfull :happy: )

uhm… How come I didn’t notice this thread before?

I did some Jeet Kune Do earlier… Was some kali there as well. At one point grappling took overhand at the classes, and this combined with trouble getting to the classes was enough for me to quit.

I just wish there hadn’t been such an emphasis on grappling. The rest (sticks, trapping, jun fan kick boxing etc) was great.

I’ve touched a couple of other martial arts as well: Wadokai karate, some kung fu stuff (just bare tried it) as well as a hybrid of krav-maga and other fighting methods.

well, luckily mel doesn’t love grappling but we are covering it just incase any of us love it.

I was trying to kick around the person (thats what mells said) dunno. But i think im learning quickly. And when he explains stuff i get what he is trying to say straight away. I don’t actually know the name of the martial art because i think it has a variaty of different ones. ill find out for you though.

Btw he has started to teach me stuff for phase 1.
Stayed tuned.

Sounds good.

Just a note. If you like grappling - good for you! :smile:

It’s very usefull to be able to pin down your “opponent” and hold him so he can’t move. It’s usually a much better way to end a fight than to punch someone’s teeth out!

Well Doba beat me to but, I will expand on what he said a little more. I believe that learning grappling techniques are an essential part of any style as it provides you with more options to handle an attack. Depending on the degree of force used, most grappling techniques are excellent ways of controlling your attacker. Hopefully, this alone would be enough to end the conflict without seriously injuring (or killing) your attacker. If not, then (if necessary) just a little more force and you can easily brake the attackers arm, wrist, dislocate their shoulder etc.

i think if someone attacked me and they seemed pretty pissed i would give em a chance to stop then i’d go straight to braking their arm/leg/wrist/elbow you know. Its their own stupid fault for fighting.

Uhm… Are you sure you should do practice martial arts? :sly:

That would rather cause more than it would solve. Not to mention that you’d get an image as a ruthless, evil person.

Definately the best tip, find out how many years they have done martial arts. 20 years minimum for someone half decent.

Then its really the sport, fighting, or spirtitual choice or blend you want.

I do GoJu Ryu, off tonight in fact, its very painful at the moment as I’ve had quite a few months off and my pain threshold has dropped.

Just run away if they follow and look like they are going to catch you then you can stop them as you see fit.

If someone was to fight me and wanted to take my life then i wouldn’t hesitate to try and brake limbs. But just general scrapping i would go that far.

Done another lesson last night. We did all grappling im actually liking grappling alot we have lernt how to bridge in certain positions. Also Mel taught us how to choke properly that will cause someone to go unconcious. He said “You are all mature, you are 15-16 don’t go using this on people, little brothers, sisters. Because if they go unconcious you will shit em!”

I can feel now that my intercostle muscle (is that spelt right) in my ribs are sore from trying to bridge and huge lad i forgot to use my legs to help me close to pulling my back :razz:. I seem to be getting alot of it pretty quickly.

There is always a small risk (especially with older people) that you can dislodge plaque from the artery lineing when you do that choke, once dislodged this can block blood to the brain and cuse death. I imagine your doing a trainagluar choke hold or a staright arm bar or something. It definately something you should never be using for fun and to be honest its not very useful unless your against one person and there is absoultely no threat from anyone else.