MILD while falling asleep

I don’t know about anyone else, but I like to use MILD cause it’s a really good technique. However, sometimes I just have the hardest time focusing while getting back to sleep (staying conscious while falling asleep if you will) and doing MILD as to not let my brain wander and think about other things as I’m falling back asleep, and this “active thinking” in turn keeps me up sometimes. Anyone got any “ways to fall asleep faster” type tips?

I’ll point this thread out for you

Don’t be discouraged, the same applies for me. Just make it a clear and gentle reminder, say the following. :content: “The next time I am dreaming, I will remember to recognize I am dreaming”. You will get used to the line, I have it remembered almost. Has it helped me? I recall things better I believe, and soon enough it will surely have effect. WILD and stuff hardly ever work, I am however planning on trying FILD which is a form of WILD I think. I am not one for try to induce LD while conscious, I just don’t want to get used to it that way. Maybe to induce 1, but I don’t want to have to go into sleep consciously.

This didn’t help me much, maybe it will do you more justice. Along with repeating that line I said above… Visualize your last dream, a past dream you had, or even a made up dream. During this dream at any time, imagine yourself saying "Next time I am dreaming, I will remember to recognize I am dreaming, and then becoming lucid in that dream. After pretending to become lucid, do what you would like in that fake LD. It would do you good to also try and drift off while doing this, don’t try too hard. If you find your mind drifts from your mantra, just do another visualization like I showed above.

Some notes
-Notice the odd things in that dream
-Feel the excitement of becoming lucid in that (fake) dream.
-Don’t be discouraged if you can’t fall asleep to the mantra without daydreaming, just chill and say it with confidence as many times as you can before drifting.

Yeah I find if I’m to focused on something it will keep me awake and it has to be a “background” focus if you understand what I mean by that. It’s just kinda hard to make it the last thing I think about before actually falling asleep. And thanks for the topic link kT4all :smile: