Much Fake LD 's ????

this week i learned to recall my dreams, and it was very strange… i am practising 3 weeks to become lucid in a dream now, but there happened something strange… in the morning i wake up with a ND and write it in my DJ. then later on the day i remember another dream, but that other dream is a little bit different

the other dream was kind of a lucid dream, but i dont remember anything else. the only this i remembered one night, was that i used fire. the other night i remembered also strange things, like me having superpowers or me trying to fly.

its very frustrated because i cant remember anything else from this dreams, i even remember more about a ND. what is very obvious about this fake LD 's is that i never remember that i said: i am dreaming! and i know i didnt do a reality check!

does anyone else know what this is or how i can stop it? because i really want to have lucid dreams and maybe i already had one but i just dont remember, only that i wake up excited or something. are these LD 's just fake or did i missed a amazing LD ? please give tips anyone because this is very strange & stupid

Can someone please replyyy, i still have these fake LD’s :sad: :cry:

I already replied here.

Just keep working on your dream recall.