Actually i make music myself, and i have had dreams in which i was composing realy AMAZING pieces of music. Then i woke up and i had only part of it in my mind, but i could remember the beauty of it.
As to the question if the dream music is real, i think in a sense it is, since music is nothing more or less then electric signals in your brain, so when you sleep and reproduce those signals then the music sounds as real as if it was when you are awake.
In a non-LD i put on my girlfriend’s headphones to listen to an Ozzy cd, but one of the new Eminem songs starting playing. I had just gotten her into Ozzy and she used to listen to Eminem.
Another one i was lucid but didn’t have full control and i was showing off to some people playing guitar and it was a basic not very musical scale, but still pretty fun.
does any one have it where music is very very louad in your dreams?
I’ve tried playing some trance music that I really like when I’m sleeping, but I haven’t had a dream yet that had the music incorporated in it! Has anyone ever tried doing this, and has it ever worked?
I’ve heard music in my dreams before, nothing amazing yet, the usual songs u hear on the radio. BUT the weird thing is, HOW is it that in real life, I don’t know the words to the song, but in my dream, it plays clearly even the parts I don’t know the words to? Guess my mind records w/out me knowing? I dunno.
P.S. Didn’t have radio on while I slept.
In my last lucid dream (and first) lucid dream (2 nights ago ) i was singing at the sky ‘its the end of the world as we know it’ by r.e.m (but a slower version) then the music accompanied my singing
last WILD I heard trance music while my mind was completely clear, startling to notice good music playing even though my mind as far as I know had nothing to do with it
music is amazing in dreams, sounds completely real and just wow