I like 70s rock and anything experimental or ambient. Pink Floyd are my favourite and they epitomise my tastes. Others I like.
Neil Young
Leonard Cohen
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Bruce Springsteen
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Joe Walsh
Brian Eno
Harold Budd
The Smiths
New Order
Sigur Ros
The Who

I have a pretty mixed taste in music, I dance so I listen to a little bit of hiphop, I also love relient k, all time low, all-american rejects, death cab for cutie, never shout never, and alot of swedish music, like håkan hellström and movits (i could go on forever on this one, but I don’t think it’s really interesting to you so I’ll spare you the reading). For the moment I listen alot to jack johnson, and i also loved good charlotte when i was younger but we kinda grew apart…