My ADD medicine is making me unable to sleep! Help me

I took some of my friend’s ritalin once. It made me really paranoid about no particular thing.

I’m with you Sleepy. I had stopped taking my meds for ADD when i got out of high school. I don’t think its a fraud either. Yes alot of kids that get diagnosed do not really have ADD. But the simptoms are soooooo close to what you would expect from childrens behavior is not hard to see why its givin out so much.
I think it also has to do with the irrasposabillity of the baby boomer generation, well not so much then but the generation to come after that. or, i don’t no. My point is that now adays parents are irrasponsible and are looking for anything that will calm there kids down.

I can say for one that there is a way to tell if kids have ADD or not. Give them the medication. If they do, like my self them you will notic. Now when i started taking it, my parents were very skeptical. I went to three different docters to get three different opinions. And my step father who is a rather intellegent man.(degrease in everything from biology to computer science) Observed me very closely.
Now when I stated taking it i was only 8 so i had no idea what it was suposed to do. how it was suposed to help me. My parents tried explaining it to me but i didn’t understand.
Anyway i’ve been rambling, so strait to the point. I was a hyper and loud kid. when i started taking this, it calmed me. i could sit still for hours. i could consintrate much better. and so on and so forth.

ANy who, Yes it is misdiagnosed alot of the time, but ADD is in fact out there and the speed they perscribe for it does infact work.

Sorry for the length and the fragmented thoughts, i’m a bit out of it today.

I have a solution that is failsafe. All you need to do is e-mail me and I will send you my address. Then you mail your adirol to me.

Problem solved.

Thanks in advance

Adderal is kinda like coke. It’ll keep you up a LONG time. One time I snorted 6 22s (not a good idea) but I was up for 4 days writing music. I have no idea of a solution for insomnia from adderal. Maybe get a weaker prescription? Smokin’ bowl really does help…just a small bowl. But if you’re not a toker maybe try the weaker precriptions.