My attempts with WILD.
I am not a lucid dreamer because its hard to get a LD even with suggestions before sleep. Nevertheless, I remember my dreams (many of them) everyday, since a long time.
I tried MILD without success but I must use it more times before I can say its worthless for me. Meanwhile, I am trying to use WILD.
The first time I used WILD was by the help of tibetan yoga ideas: while in the bed I visualised the tibetan “A”, very bright. After some time, I would get in a middle state, between sleep and awake, where strange things happened. These strange things, due to my hypnagogic state, were things like not knowing who I was, or being one with the dark (not “dark” in a bad sense, but in a literal meaning, since while asleep my eyes only see dark). Because of that I got somewhat scared,because my “I” is not used to such experiences, and I would wake up.
Latley, since the beggining of the year, I am trying to use WILD without success. Even MILD is not working. I just fall asleep.
Also, when I am dreaming I will not say “This is odd…I am dreaming!”…I just see things as normal. I mean, reality checks during the day wont work at night because my mind will think that anything is normal. Even worst, today I dreamt I was flying and I said “I am dreaming!” but in fact I was not lucid, that was just part of the dream itseld
Any hints about how to get lucid???
Thanks a lot!