My first LD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well I was gonna try my first real attempt at a ld, in which method I will use WILD. Well before I got off thi site I read aboult a FILD, and needless to say I was intrested. so I decided to do a FILD and set my cellphone for 2:30= (3hrs,30mins) and went to sleep around 11:00 or so. So i accuatlly woke up around 2:00 early on my own and tried FILD with the finger movement aboult 10 times lol. So I gave up and tried to sleep and felt I was almost half asleep and then I decided to give it one more go and tried it for aboult whats seems like a minute and gave up cause I felt it was useless so I did a nose RC and it worked! I tried the RC millions and millions of times and I was able to breath. So i was excited so I sat up and tried to get out of bed but couldnt move my body, it felt like 5 tons so I followed instructions and just imagine my room and i was able to get up so i got up, but the thing is I felt like I had 100% control but idk why I didnt really try super powers I was just overly excited from the RC that it finnaly worked. But decided to get out of my room and I saw a wierd shadow in the dark and thought this is my dream so I tried to light up the area but I couldnt, only a lil bit but it ended up being my dog so I petted him but he seemed blurry and when he barked without a sound.Then I went up the stairs and idk when this occured but the thought either came to me before or after I got lucid but either way I thought what if I go upstairs and see soemthing weird like a murder killing my family or if my mom killed my dad and came after me so thats exactly what happen I went to my moms room and saw her there with a blade in ur hand and blood on it and she walked out of bed and came after me. I freaked I mean I went downstairs and forgot I was lucid and could have just ran or do something, I ran downstairs and locked my door and I slammed it but right when I slammed it, I woke up scared but happy I had my first ld on my first try.

Congrats on your first LD :thumbs: , and on your first try too!! Lucky!!!>:(

And about you not wanting to see your mom killing you or anything , I suggest that once you get an LD, you take a moment and calm down. You said yourself that you were really f*cking excited.

Take a moment to look around and focus on what you want to do. If you let your mind wander, you’ll end up tihnking about stuff that will only waste your time or even worse, you will think about somethin scary and freak out of your Lucidity. Thinking about stuff makes things happen in your dreams, most often when you don’t want them to, cuz the dream is a Projection of your thoughts.

Also if you get a nightmare LD, you obviously get scared and fear is a defense mechanism your body has which makes you “fight or flight” and you chose the latter ( probably cuz it was your mom lol ) Whether it is a dream or not you will get scared but if you can remember that it was a dream you can choose to stand your ground and face your fears. And don’t feel bad, if you do, cuz a lot of people freak if their first LD is scary and lose control.

P.S. Use paragaphs cuz they divide your thoughts into parts so people who don’t have a lot of time on their hands can choose out the most important parts. It was hard to read yours.

lol im really sory lol that how it was in my dj lol sory im just excited hehe but thnx i just dont get thoguh if i get into a ld and useing the method i used FILD i use, will i alwazy end up in my room in a LD/?

Not necessarily. It depends a lot on your expectations and whether or not you incubate a dream environment.

…ya what he said. if you imagin yourself waking up somewhere say, in the girl’s lockerroom then you will wake up in there… hopefully

frekinrican if u wake up and ur in ur room just the way it is in RL maybe an OBE or FA

Wow. Congratulations, I’m happy for you. I have never tried that method, i have my own ways of doing it. Anyways enjoy the new world of lucidity! :smile:

Congrats on your first LD!! The part where your mom killed your dad sounds like it was pretty intense and scary :scared: .

Hi, congratulations first of all! and also, you’ve inspired me to try this FILD technique, but I dont know the detaisl of it, could anyone maybe point me in the right direction?

Thank you,

What is FILD?

Finger Induced Lucid Dreaming. I’ll post a link to the topic. [Hargart's Induction Technique Log (HILD))