I read your post a little earlier in the week and I remember I had a lot to comment on, but @Marvin really touched on just about everything (and more) that I had to say
I find your motivations to LD quite compelling and it’s so good to have a strong motivation, it will help you a lot.
You will find everyone has a different philosophy on dreams and you may or may not agree with my perspective, but I thought I might share a little bit of my philosophy if it could possibly help you. It currently sounds like you don’t find your non lucid dreams very interesting or engaging? I would encourage you to challenge that perspective.
One of your goals is to communicate with your subconscious. Have you considered that your subconscious is already trying to communicate with you, perhaps through your non-lucid dreams? Communication is a two way street and starting by trying to pick up on the messages your subconscious may already be sending to you is a great place to start. (I suppose I’m just suggesting dream interpretation, really haha)
As a beginner I was only interested in my lucid dreams and as such I only really put effort into my journal when I had a lucid dream. It wasn’t until I concluded for myself that my subconscious sent me messages on a nightly basis (through non lucid dreams) that I really actually started to care about all my dreams, and the change in perspective was a major turning point for me as a dreamer. I started keeping my journal better (because I wanted to interpret my dreams for what my subconscious was saying), and having non-lucid dreams didn’t feel like defeat any more.
In summery, giving your non-lucid dreams more value and attention may make the process more rewarding and engaging as you work towards lucidity.
Put so eloquently! I wish someone had suggested this to me when I was a beginner.
You sound like quite the creative and imaginative type. If you enjoy OCs, have you ever considered giving CALD a shot? It’s a method you could do in combination with MILD; you could make a mantra like “When I am dreaming, X (character) will tell me I’m dreaming” or something like that.