My Sleep Paralysis Experience?

Last night I was reading up on Sleep Paralysis, and I thought I would try it out. At previous attempts, I would feel this electric wave through my body. Last night was weird. I remained in a certain position for quite some time, just relaxing and what not. I then felt my whole body tense up, it was as if my body was trying to rise up, but there was a strong weight holding it down. While this was happening, my eyes kept flickering under my lids. I kept my eyes closed, because I was afraid I would see hallucinations or the old hag lol. :eek: Would I have seen anything If I opened my eyes? What would you guys call my experience, sleep paralysis? And How easy is it to get into lucid dreaming from this stage?


That sounds like sleep paralysis to me. Long ago, before I read about sleep paralysis I experienced it while taking a nap one day.

I woke up and it was like my body was still asleep, it felt like there was an impossible weight on me (like you have described) and I was pinned down. I couldn’t feel my heart beat and thought I was going to die, it was quite frightening. Also, my vision was “distorted”, like I was looking through a lens smudged with vaseline and a fish eye lens at the same time if that makes any sense. I didn’t know how to get out of it but I realised I could move arm just a little bit if I really tried. I tried to yell out for osmeone to wake me up but I couldn’t open my mouth, I knocked my arm against the head board of the bed and somehow the noise woke up my body. I then just popped out of it.

I have tried a lot of times to re-enter this state with no luck. In some ways though I wouldn’t want to, it was a little terrifying (but that may have been because I didn’t understand it).

When I researched what had happened to me it led me to LD’s and that is how I originally got into LD’ing as a “hobby”.

Yes that’s definitely sleep paralysis.I am recovering from an episode as I write this! They can be very scary.I usually feel like my whole body is vibrating or it’s being electrocuted.But once you face your fear of it, you can enter a lucid dream
very easily.Just try as hard as you can to get up from your bed while it’s happening. That’s usually all it takes for me to enter one.

yeah, I’ve had that a couple of times while trying to induce a lucid dream. I was using a brainwave generator preset at the time, and as well as the strong vibrations, and rushing noise in my ears, I saw some sort of big sphere infront of me, that was glowing a warm yellow colour. very strange, but it did frighten me at the time too. I’ve also not had any luck in getting into this state again.

Once these vibrations become intense you are already (lucid) dreaming and there is a simple way to convert this experience into a visual dream. The method I use is to wear a sleep mask at night. When you find yourself experiencing deep vibrations, remove the mask (you will be dreaming that you remove the mask), and your mind will instantly create visuals for you - usually of your own bedroom. You are now in a full lucid dream so just get out of bed and do whatever you want. If you don’t have a sleep mask, just try to get out of bed - this can work just as well. I’ve been using this technique for a while now and it works for me 100% of the time. If I can get to the vibration state, I can become lucid using this method every time, so give it a go.

So for us at least,a technique or a machine or a supplement that could get us to this state instantly or without fail, would be the Holy Grail? Interesting.Interesting indeed.:hmmm:

Hey everyone

Thanks for your input.

I had my first lucid dream two nights ago, not induced by sleep paralysis though. I just became aware that I was in a dream. It was a very cool experience. :content:

Instead of making a new thread I will ask my question here.

Do you have any tips on how to induce sleep quickly? I always have songs in my head when I am laying in bed, and cannot get the music out of my head, what can I do to relax myself, and fall asleep? :help:

Try watching -AV3X-The Inner Scape Adventure-Dvd.
You can purchase it at Amazon.
[The Catalyst.)
It will help you with sleep,relaxation,and lucid dreams.
It even helped me with tension headaches!
Go to Amazon and read the reviews.
All it is, in a sense, is just a cheap mind machine.It was
even called AV3X-The TV Mind Machine and for some reason they changed it.
But it works great.Although it doesn’t work that good if
you don’t rotate the chapters.I guess your mind gets
bored with it or adapts to the images? I don’t know.
I have the same problem with BrainWave Gen.

Is hard to say… you will definitely know if you experienced a full blown sleep paralysis. In my case i will be completly paralyzed and wont even be able to move my hand with great force. I will also feel a very strong electric feeling which often also includes the sound of wind blowing in my ears.

I will often see some hallucinations even with the eyes closed. This could be just a image or a short scene where i am only watching… Also sometimes i experience what you could call seeing through eyelids, which means i see my enviroment with eyes closed.

If i have my eyes open, then i will see the real enviroment but sometimes with some hallucinations mixed into it, like an object or even a being.

I enter a lucid dream by imagining a scene and the act of for example walking… I will then soon feel vivid tactical sensations of walking and then the dream vision appears soon after, which means i am now in a lucid dream.

It’s pretty wierd when you see around you with your eyes closed. That happened my first time. I was laying there in bed at about 6:00 am and I felt violent shaking. I remembered about sp, and let it happen. From there, I could feel myself in bed, and hear my mom blowdry her hair. What was weird though was I could look around my room even as I was listening to my mom blowdry her hair. It was pretty much a mixed ld with conciousness of the external world.

If you want to induce SP then try getting as tired as you possibly can (be very active in the day and be very tired when going to sleep) but keep your mind racing. Lay on your back too.

I hate SP really, I used to get it all the time.
The night before last I actually was thinking about maybe trying to get SP to induce a LD and I ended up awake until around 4:15 am. I did get SP, plus FA’s and the Old Hag. I also had a strange SP related dream. It was a terrible sleep that lasted about 2 hours. One Old Hag experience really creeped me out, and I was quite lucid in it and got very angry.


I forgot to add, if you’re worried about an Old Hag type experience, it’s probably much more likely to happen. And does anyone know a way to stay calm and induce a LD from OH? I have no control with them it seems.

Sorry, but what is this “Old Hag experience”?
I induced SP sometimes, and didn’t get scared at all. But I still wasn’t able to induce a LD from there.

Old Hag is hallucination what sometimes happens when you are falling to sleep, or waking from it. For example you can see some monster looking at you near your bed, or smt. Don’t worry, it’s all in your head only :grin:

Is it a dream or a hallucination? Because a hallucination would make more sense, since if it was a dream I would be lucid and be albe to change it (I always know OH isnt real).

It’s an hallucination which sometimes happens to about 10% in the people who are subject to the “sleep paralysis” trouble, which is rather different from the SP you induce voluntarily. Thus, most of the WILD’ers who don’t have this trouble don’t have such hallucinations. There is a BIG Old Hag topic in the “Stuff dreams are made of” forum.

Basilus, can you explain how regular SP and induced SP are different?

Hi StEvE21!
Here is a thread with some explanations:
WILD: do you really have sleep paralysis?