My techiniques to prolong lucidity

When in a lucid dream or Astral travel, put the sole of your feet together and your palms together in praying position, same with the feet as mentioned.

Also try to touch dream objects that seem solid, such as walls etc.

Interesting, so being in a praying/meditative position has helped you out. I haven’t tried that since I need to stay pretty active to keep the dream going, but maybe it’s worth a shot in my next more stable DILD. I do use touching solid objects a lot. I think keeping any sensation up will help quite a bit.

When my lucid dreams are about to end I always feel like I’m about to fall asleep in the dream - I basically struggle against a weird “tired” feeling and my eyelids start to feel heavy, and if I don’t get my senses together I will usually wake up in a few seconds.

Is this a common experience? :tongue:
Maybe it is a clever way for the lucid dream to fade out? :lol:

I think Writers Cube successfully prolonged his dreams by using two clocks, one for real life and another dream time…I read it sometime back and now i find the link missing. Can anyone direct me to that link?

Here you go: clicky

Thanks Rhewin.

Nice, I will differently try this.When I first become lucid I do tend to touch everything possible and it seems to help alot.