
I like the pirate special where they shoot the silverware out of the cannon.

I also like the mexican jail escape using the spicy salsa. That was cool.

Yeah those were great, i love it when they have competitions and adam wins with his crazy ideas.

Ya like how they used the gum to apply pressure, too good.

lol i lol’d when they cracked the glass accidentally but the alarm still didnt go off so they managed to pass it.

haha yeah, i also like the episode when they made that dolphin, and then adam laughed when they made the dolphins tale move really fast :tongue:

I was on my computer when they were playing that episode. I wasn’t paying attention, so I just heard a big splash and Adam yelling. I thought something bad happened :sad: .

that episode with the dolphin was my favorite one, besides the pirate myth were they put a big chain into a canon and shot a dead pig with it :happy:

Hehe, yeah that one is great (with the pigs) especially the whipping sound of the cain thing, followed by Adams laugh :tongue:

I don’t get the discovery channel on my TV so I hardly ever get to watch :sad:

However I do see the occasional episode when I’m at home visiting my parents. I like the shows when they shoot/blow up things :tongue:

Isn’t that the only things that they do? :content:

Now that you mention it… :hmmm:

Actually I did see one neat episode where they tested a myth which said that if you hang a CD from your car’s rear-view mirror, it would deflect a police radar gun’s bean and thus the police could not read your speed and catch you if you were speeding. Not only was the myth false, but just to be extra sure, they ended up covering the whole car in aluminum foil or something, and the radar gun could still pick up the car…and they didn’t blow the car up when they were done :content:

They did end up bringing in a race car with a rocket on the back though ;D

did they?, wasn’t it some weird thing that rotates slowly? or a disco ball?

maybe both ? …they often ty out many differnt arangements
did anybody see the thing were they searched for the needle in the haistack ? :lol:

I basically love the series.

My favourite episode is probarly the one where they explode that plane.

They test if it’s true that a bullet shot in a plane could cause a rip off in the plane and the pressure would suck everything out of the plane.

Loved that one. :happy:

I like the episode where they disable the safety devices on a water heater and double the water pressure in it so it explodes. They built a 1 room house to code, with a dummy in a bath tub, only to destroy it in 1 second with the water heater.

Took 40 seconds for the heater to hit the ground :woo:

i like the part in one episode where they blew up a cement truck that was filled with cement, they just filled it up with explosives, got the **** away and blew it up. The explosion took like half a second and after the smoke cleared there was no truck left, just a burn mark. And i just love the line when oneof them(forgot which one) says,“Removing cement from a truck with explosives, there is no cement, there is no truck.” Something along the lines, that line made me lol

i LOVE that show!!!
i loved when they ‘insert epesode/moment here
it is nice to finally see someone who knows about it :boogie:

i really liked super-sized Jet Taxi

I liked the one where they were shooting the bullets into the pool to determine if they could go deep. They went like 15 inches or something like that, something smaller than expected. I also liked where they wanted to see if it was possible to outspeed the radar gun, and so the went up to 170mph on a race track, and they found that they couldn’t :content:

Very interesting show, in any case. I like to watch it when I’m bored.