Two LDs and Two NDs. Had a hero complex so one late task. No fight for the world yet, though. Still… LDs OMG…
4 NDs and a LD. Unusually good recall for a night before an early shift.
I was trying to play a hero in a dream last night.
I know I also remembered a dream fragment this same night which I remember both before I turned on my computer and after I turned it off. Didn’t write it down on paper though and forgot about it now. Maybe it will come back again when I close my laptop
One long dream where i was looking for something and using magic, and some fragments.
Points for tasks 4 and 5 will be counted and posted in roughly 24 hours.
Points for task 6 along with the winner will be announced in roughly 48 hours.
Good luck everyone!
Edit: I just want to apologies again for all the delays, the late tasks and the lack of points. Sorry you guys.
I had two normal dreams. Sorry for my basic lack of participation, I got really lazy with my DJ since the start of March or so.
2 more NDs. I should have posted them this morning but i was really busy.
The Scoreboard as of the end of Task 5
Fate 380 + 9 ND= 470
Scipio Xaos 275 + 4 LD + 4 ND + 2 Fragment + 1 Late Task + 3 Chain + 2 Late Lucid Task + 1 Lucid Task= 450
moogle 115 + 18 ND + 1 Task + 1 Late Task + 1 Personal Task + Standards of Recall 5 + Incorporation 4= 415
Loah 350 + 2 ND + 1 LD= 375
Wulf 270 + 6 ND= 330
Sandra 80 + 11 ND + 7 Fragment + Late task= 250
geekboy 200 + 2 ND + 2 Fragment = 230
Siiw 115 + 6 ND + 1 LD + 3 Frag+ Late Task= 230
Paulicus 200 + 1 ND + 3 Fragments= 225
BlackKettle 140 + 4 ND + 1 Chain + 1 Fragment + Standards of Recall 4= 205
Ghostie11 50 + 1 ND= 60
Limitless 60= 60
MagykKatte 40 + 1 ND= 50
Mew 45= 45
Somnium Viator 25= 25
Ysim 10= 10
Congratulations to BlackKettle and moogle who have been awarded the Standards of Recall points for tasks 4 and 5 respectfully. Also congratulations again for moogle for being the only person to complete either task in a normal dream, she has been awarded Incorporation of Task points for Task 4.
Remember guys, you have 24 hours to get in all dreams of task 6. (Well, just a little less) At that point the NDC will be over, your winner and new task master will be announced. Good luck everyone!
I thought I did do a late task before task 6 was announced or am I just confused with how you count?
See, I read that, and then totally forgot it. My bad. Amended to reflect it.
aaah, if i didn’t miss the last 2 tasks, i might have gotten higher than 4th. owell! can’t wait for the next one!
2 more normal dreams!
I don’t think I will be having any more dreams within the time left of the challenge. So I’ll post the entire list of dreams I had during this challenge. (It was originally located on page 4, but it’s tough to dig it up for the lazy ones).
22nd February, 2013
2 normal dreams
23rd February, 2013
2 normal dreams
24th Februay, 2013
2 normal dreams
- chaining
2 fragments
25th February, 2013
Task 2 begins
3 normal dreams
Possible chaining? Dreams were unrelated though
26th February, 2013
1 normal dream
I was a superhero, but I did not do anything specifically heroic
<----- checkpoint scoring: 110 points ----->
27th February, 2013
2 normal dreams
Second dream definitely was heroic, because I had destroyed the essence of evil, so, late task bonus maybe? puppy eyes
28th February, 2013
2 normal dreams
1 fragment
1st March, 2013
1 normal dream
1 fragment
2nd March, 2013
1 normal dream
- task + chaining
3rd March, 2013
3 normal dreams
The second dream was a dream not a fragment, but all that happened was just idle chatter for a long time. The third one was a nap dream.
- chaining
4th March, 2013
1 normal dream
5th March, 2013
Task 3 begins
6th March, 2013
1 normal dream
1 fragment
7th March, 2013
1 lucid/normal dream hybrid
- personal task + current task + chaining
<----- checkpoint scoring: 380 ----->
8th March, 2013
Task 4 begins
1 normal dream
11th March, 2013
1 normal dream
12th March, 2013
Task 5 begins
2 normal dreams
15th March, 2013
2 normal dreams
The first one being incredibly vivid
17th March, 2013
2 normal dreams
The first one being very long and vivid
19th March, 2013
1 normal dream
21st March, 2013
Task 6 begins
1 normal dream
Extremely long and vivid story-like dream
22nd March, 2013
5 normal dreams
24th March, 2013
2 normal dreams
25th March, 2013
1 normal dream + personal task
26th March, 2013
3 normal dreams
27th March, 2013
1 normal dream
28th March, 2013
1 normal dream + Task 6
Haven’t been posting much since my dream recall has been non-existent and any dreams I do seem to remember have all been boring work related ones which I couldn’t be bothered to record
I did have one worthy of note the other week and I’ll add that to my DJ. I will try and update more regularly
I knew I remembered another dream from last night. Put it in my journal. I think that’s about it then for this challenge
At least it helped me in my main goal:
Although my dream recall isn’t what it used to be, at least I’m remembering and writing again. Though I must admit, my paper journal is still completely empty
So. Here we are. At the end of this. This topic started six months ago, and we had 21 amazing people signed up. While there were numerous amounts of technical difficulties and delays, I’m actually really happy to say that 16 of you stuck out this crazy month. If this was wolfgame, I’d probably give the best participant award to moogle, who never stopped posting .
Welp, this is my first time hosting this challenge solo, and indeed the first time it has been held solo since the second one. It was long, and I had to delay things due to RL stuff, but I hope you all had fun with my crazy challenges.
Anyhow, here’s the moment you guys have been holding out for. And the winner is!
SPOILER - Click to view
The Scoreboard as of the end of Task 6:
- Fate 470 + 14 ND + Personal Goal + 1 Task= 675
- Scipio Xaos 450 +2 ND + 3 LD= 515
- moogle 415 + 2 ND + 1 Task + Incorporation= 490
- Loah 375 + 4 ND + Late Task= 445
- Siiw 230 + 14 ND + 1 LD + 3 Fragments + Standards of Recall= 415
- Sandra 250 + 9 ND + 2 Fragment + Late Task= 380
- Wulf 330 + 2 ND= 350
- Paulicus 225 + 1 ND + 4 Fragment= 255
- geekboy 230= 230
- BlackKettle 205= 205
- Ghostie11 60 + 1 ND + 1 LD + 1 Late Task= 115
- MagykKatte 50 + 5 ND= 100
- Limitless 60= 60
- Somnium Viator 25 + 2 ND + Fragments= 50
- Mew 45= 45
- Ysim 10= 10
Congratulations to Moogle for Weirdest Task Incorporation, fighting an army even though she was evil herself. Lesser of two evils, right? Also, congratulations to Siiw for getting the Standards of Recall for this task.
I hope to see you all in the next round, hosted by your winner!
Thank you everybody for participating along with me! It’s a great honor to win this and host the next NDC. I hope my dream recall will not diminish now, because the NDC is a great motivation to keep a consistent dream journal.
I hope the NDC also improved your dream recall, as it did mine.
Well done Fate .
Congratulations Fate!
And also congratulations to everyone else who improved their dream recall and dream incubation skills