Near Death Experiences

I was just wondering on people’s opinions of this?

I read a story of a man in holland that was clinically dead fro ma heart attack and he remembered being above his body and seeing nurses working on it.

I also saw a story about a woman who had all of the blood drained out of her brain and she was DEAD like they were taking an anuyresm (sp?) out of the base of her brain stem. and she remembers lots of things like a conversation between the surgeons about something to do with her arteries and she remembered it prefectly. From her point of view she was sitting on the doctors shoulder. She also describred what the drill used to open her skull looked liek and things like this.

All of this sounds like an OOBE

She also speaks of meeting people in her life who were dead. After going towards “the light”

And she said that she asked her relatives “Is the light God?” and they said “No, The light is god breathing”

also her uncle took her back down to her body.

So yeah, opinions? other stories?

I for one find this very strange, sounds like LD or OOBE but these people are dead? This leads me to think, do dreams take place outside of the brain? But yeah…Very weird.

Edit: Just found out about a doctor that is working on the theory that human conciousness occurs at a macroscopic level in side microtubulars inside the cells of the the mind. He was also saying that OOBE’s occur because of superpositining of the human conciousness outside of the mind.

Another speaker was also toying with the thought that people leave their bodies to a place somewhere beyond our understanding. Perhaps not “heaven” but a place.

Very very strange stories


moved from stuff of dreams

it is a very interesting subject this…i do believe that people with these kind of experiences do have a OOBE. And the thing with dead ppl? kindof scary…i wouldnt want to have an OOBE one day and it turn into a jappanese scary, twisted movie :smile: But as there are so many levels of LDing surely there are many levels of OOBEing…

I read that scientists actually had a tecnique to force a OOBE by put certain parts of your brain or body to sleep while others are active. It wasnt ment to make ppl OOBE it was only ment for surgury and stuff but ALL the patients said they lifted above their bodies! This was some tima ago and i´m not sure if i got the detail right, but it was something like that.

Anyway slowley but steadily we solve more and more of the big puzzle and one day i hope, and believe, we will see the whole picture.

I wrote my opinion here. In case u’re interested :smile:.

I had conversation with a lot of doctor these days. I am true sceptic and extremely interested in that case of Pam Raynolds. Also Dr Pim van Lommel made 8 years following of survivors of heart attack, 18% of them had NDE. Study is published in Lancet, world known medical journal…
Anyway, I DO think that it is explainable by KETAMINE model (WHICH IS REALLY GOOOOOOOD), about which you can read on
. I know that Pamela Raynolds had no blood in her brain, had 10-15 degrees C her body tem., had flat EEG (no activity of brain cortex) and had her pupils dilated (no brain stem activity). And I do know that she described drill correctly, and heard doctors speaking of her tiny arteries, but It is just 1 (ONE) case. Dr Pim van Lommel ASSUMED that all of his patients had flat EEG, because it is usual that 10sec after heart attack you have flat EEG.
But, after all, right now, I am much more open to existance of life after death… And do not worry, ethics for getting there is nice, much better than Kant ethics. You will feel emotions you have caused to others after death in your life-review. That’s fair as far as I am concerned. But still I am sceptic:)
So long…