New LD technique called WMBTB discovred by Alex Curtis

I think it’s the same as with WBTB technique, it’s different from person to person. You should experiment what amount of time being awake and doing math in this case suits you the best!

I tried last night as well.

Here is how it went: I set my alarm clock to go off after 5 hours, made some math equations before going to bed, then woke up and solved them. I did go to the bathroom after I solved the math. I tried to WILD and thought about math, was hard for me because I lacked focus a couple of times and carried away with HI… I finally fell asleep without being conscious. I started to dream and at one point I was thinking about math equations. “why am I thinking about math?” I wondered… “ooh that’s right! I did some math when I woke up before this dream!” … and then I didn’t associate doing math with becoming lucid so I just went back into the ND :sad:

So I’ll just have to really associate math with becoming lucid :smile: I will give it another try tonight! :happy:

I used this for the first time last night, and had an amazing Lucid Dream, so thank you for sharing, and I will be repeating this!

Hey Leonie, when going back to sleep after answering your problems you said literally to do “the WILD.” Can you explain this process exactly? Do you repeat the problems and answers over and over in your head or do you just sort of think about them while performing an ordinary WILD technique?

Or is The WILD some new dance I haven’t gotten word of yet? :razz:

I’m no expert but what I tried was to do normal WILD but focussing on equations. And I don’t think that just repeating the equations like a mantra is very helpfull if you want to stimulate the right brain (but maybe will work just as well for entering sleep with a conscious brain?), you’d probably have to focus well and do the equations so your right brain will be more stimulated.
I didn’t succeed that time, I’m not that well with WILD in the middle of the night. What works for you may not work for me so you’ll have to experiment a little. :content:

haha :tongue:
I didn’t actually say The WILD, but hey if you have a new dance without a name yet, be the first to use it :wink:

Sounds really interesting!
Gotta try this and hope it works, i got a bit of a problem with WILD otherwise…^^

Oops, I was mistaking you for Heydood who started the topic, he’s the one who said The Wild

I’ll trying it this night
I’ll give you new tomorrow :smile:

I’ve been thinking about a similar reality check as well today. So let me pose this hypothesis:

-This method may be even more effective if instead of doing regular math you do digital clock based math:


I find digital clocks to be the best reality check at all. My brain seems to be capable of seeing that they are behaving wrong even in the dimmest lucid dreams, and I find that the act of checking time like that brings up higher and higher lucidity. What if we activate the same area of the brain before going to sleep if we expect to do WILD?

edit: I’ve added the clock based math puzzle to lucid dreaming app. The goal is to add a number of hours, minutes and seconds to the current time and see if it matches the time generated by the app. There’s a 50% chance that it will match, 50% chance that it wont. The cool feature is that both clocks are running!
easy puzzle:

harder puzzle

I will test it out tonight. If anyone has an android phone, you can test it too with “Lucid Dreaming App”[/img]

When I saw this method, I was really excited because I like Math. This morning I woke up at 5:00 ( can you tell me if that’s a good time?) and I did 6 kind of difficult Math questions. I’ll posts them to show you. (/) is a division sign or part of a fraction. I only got like 2 of them right, but one of them I read wrong, do you think I should make them a bit easier next time?

  1. 7.25 x 8 /6
  2. 13.5 x 12
  3. 55.2/9
  4. 6/44
  5. 6/9 x 3/2 /4/2
    Anyways, to continue on wit hmy attempt, I did the questions when I woke up and started WILD, nothing happened for awhile, so I just went to sleep normally. When you say “think about Math” do you mean math in general or just your questions yo uwrote?


I thought math was dealt with by the left brain. I find it hard to fall asleep when i think about math when I go to bed :content: