NEW Reality Check Tool

I love this watch!

Its a great, something similar to LaBerge’s “P.E.S.T.”

I have it on auto countdown to vibrate every 30 minutes
and when it goes off I

  • check digital clock
  • look at hands
  • Plug Nose
  • Read text 2x
  • Check to see if everything looks the way it is supposed to

This has definetely been a great tool for reality checks anyways, but not needed… it sort of made reality testing make sense and worthwhile.

I have yet to try to set this off in REM sleep… maybe i will try it tommorrow or the next day.

As you might have noticed the watch, for some reason, emits a small sound when the light is lit. When I don’t wear it at night, I turn off the vibration/sound, so that when the alarm goes off it only blinks at my bedside table.

Interestingly, it seems that the small noise from the light made its way into my dream this morning. I was with this girl, and she was borrowing my watch. I noticed the alarm go off. I heard the small sound, and was reflecting on why she did not notice it.

I did not think to RC, but I could easily have done so.

Pretty cool.

heh, yeah i noticed the sound too when the light goes on… I gotta try this tonight. I’ll set an alarm to go off and vibrate about 6 hours into sleep… see what happens.

Hey guys, just another quick update.

I have not had the opportunity to further test my Vibralite for Lucid Dreaming (while sleeping). I hope that when college finals are over I can focus more on testing it out. However, I have been using it –almost daily- for studying and keeping focused on priorities. I really like timing myself with the Vibralite because I can see if I’m wasting time or not. Lately I have found myself wasting time on the internet and so fourth, not completing as much schoolwork as I should. I have been using it for 30 minuite countdowns.

That’s about it from here…

If anyone else has bought one, please share your experiences. Love to hear them.