New to the forum as well as LD"s

:smile: :smile: Hey all,
1st i would like to thank you all for reading my thread. Second i just recently happened to find this site. Im very happy i did. Ive read many of your posts and you all seem to be very nice and extremely intelligent. All with open minds and very nice spirits. I do understand that an expireanced LD’er takes lots of practice unfortuantely. :bored: However from what i read its worth the time and effort put forth! I did once expireance an LD, however it only lasted for a second due to the fact that once i realized i was dreaming i got so excited that i woke up. So for any pro’s out there… what pointers do you have to a newbie like me??? ive read up on Dream recall, reality checks, and dream journals… but what else can increase my chances of LD’s. and what should i do during my first LD to prolong the expireance??? any help would be appreciated… and good luck to all you dreamers out there!!!

You can go here and you will find a lot of stuff to get you started.

And here’s a good faq

And the you can read all the posts in the forum :grin: . That will keep you busy for a few weeks.

I am proud to say that all your questions are answered in the first link JaRoD gave you. :smile:

You may want to pop over to the BIG “Hi, I’m new here” topic to introduce yourself again. :smile:

Welcome to the forum

Well it is not quite as hard as all of that. LD ‘ing does take some effort on your part and some patients. You can make it easy on yourself by practicing consistently and have a positive attitude about it. Keep your exploration of LD ing fun and positive. Don’t treat it like a chore. Anyone can learn to LD and many will have there first LD on there first night while others may take a few weeks to get there first LD.

I suggest doing RC and keeping a DJ as a good start. Continue this habit with any induction method you decide on.

Happy Dreaming :smile: